je reviens vers toi a la suite de nos echanges hors forum concernant les pointilles.
Quel est le style que tu utilises; il y en a plein qui ne creeraient pas ces pointilles mais celui que tu utilises le fait
Si c'est un style que tu as cree, la raison pourrait etre que les lignes creees ne sont pas continues, ou ne touchent bas les bords du masque-rectangle de creation.
RE: Qualité des images 2D exportées
RE: Qualité des images 2D exportées
Surpris de ta remarque, car nous exportons beaucoup en 4000 pixels de large pour affichage de l'image sur des plans jusqu'a 50cm de large sans souci
Si tu veux, envoie moi ton fichier, je regarderais -
RE: Global Texture Replace
choose a new material, press maj and click on the color to change, that changes all similar colors
RE: Usb key saving
Let me add to the list of tries underneath
I measured the saving time for a 1.50 Mo file on USB 2.0 with a dell-
HD: 2 seconds
Sony key 1Go: 19 seconds
Kingston key 4Go: 120 seconds
MINI LACIE HD, credit card size, 30Go : 2 seconds, a pity I cannot hang my keys to it
RE: 2D software
After my search, I am still doing my sketch drawings with SU
If SU is not very much good to design 2d, the use of textures , materials, components give a very nice look to present a 2d drawing
Look at the attachment
Marc -
RE: Are you ready for SketchUp 7 news?
Looking at lewis feedback about his contacts with SU, I think we should be more "readable" with our needs in term of evolution with SU.
That would help us to ask the good questions to SU team, and would clear and classify all the needs of every one.
I appreciate like magic these brilliant ruby that I test, and stare at ingeniosity of their authors, but most of them stay dead in my computer because I often have no use for them.
But I would not do without them...- The first job would be to classify in a few groups the SU users: architects, carpenters, designers, mechanicians..
- The second would be to define each particular groups needs in term of functions
- the third would be to study the enhacements in SU, not all in one bunch, but maybe in packages by category , and have a suggestion about how to gather all.
That would give with SU team a consistent speech in order to get consistent answers. I was really hunged to Coen thread, and desappointed with the banal answers.
I second Kwisten with his astonishement about one of a SU remark so we may have results in being directive
RE: Are you ready for SketchUp 7 news?
I understand your impatience and frustration, I have the same.
But are you sure we are here in SCF like in a hard-competitive-business-like company, where managers are widely waged, where big benefits justify our exigences ...
Let not overload Coen with non adequate responsabilities -
RE: Sketchup 7 News...Coen?
Coen, no problem at all
2 nights to create a new avatar, there may be something behind.. -
RE: How to hide Sketchyphysics inspector ?
Thanks cphillips
The problem was that all sketchyphysics toolbars were hidden (I don't use it at the moment)and the inspector remained coming up at each start
Sure my question was a little stupid
Marc -
RE: How to hide Sketchyphysics inspector ?
Correction: my wish is to hide it
How to hide Sketchyphysics inspector ?
At each SU start, the shetchyphysics inspector displays, my wish is not to hide it.
Views/toolbars/ does not give the possibility of hiding it.
Thank you for help
Marc -
RE: Aidez moi svp !!!!
Je te suggere de travailler avec la fonction "follow me"- tu dessines le profil de ton limon (la coupe), avec le ou les conges que tu souhaites
- tu dessines la ligne helicoidale de conduite de ton limon
- tu la selectionnes, choisis follow me, clique sur ton profil et celui-ci qui se deroule automatiquement sur la ligne de consuite
Regarde un tutorial sur la fonction et tout sera facile
Marc -
RE: Vidos francophones sur utilisation de SU
Je ne peux que me joindre aux autres pour te feliciter, et te dire qu'en regardant la video "effacer", j'ai appris des choses alors que j'utilise SU depuis 5 ans.Ton doux accent quebecois me rappelle le sejour que j'ai fait a en urbanisme a l'universite de Montreal, allant du quartier du Sadi Brofman center a Boucherville,pour 2 grandes annees d'une epoque ou j'etais plus jeune, boursier du Conseil des Arts et travaillant pour ReneSimard, alors ministre du tourisme, et etablissant les plans de developpement du Mont Ste Anne.
RE: SUp pro et LayOut
Layout est vraiment a une phase beta, et ne donne pas pour moi de solution tres presentable.Pour les caracteres, n'utilise pas les fonctions dimensions et leader qui vareint avec le zoom et l'echelle.
Utilise 3d text, pas tres pratique, mais qui conserve la taille et le format d'origine; il se comporte comme un mur.Layout a l'inconvenient d'etre lent apres plusieurs insertions, et meme avec des micros puissants, n'est plus tres maniable apres 3 ou 4.
Marc -
RE: LA bonne manière pour créer un toit + comble de maison
Je voudrais te poser une question sur ton utilisation de ces vues aeriennes de interieur de maisons.
Je l'ai deja fait avec differentes personnes, mais si elles apprecient l'aspect flatteur de voir leur projet traiter de cette maniere, ca ne me sert en general a rien.
Sauf pour des projets plus importants, une salle de spectacle, une "rue" interieure, mais jamais pour une maison.
Marc -
RE: Scenes does not remember shadowsettings
You will find there a ruby which set shadows automatically at 45° from the left
Marc -
RE: Sketchyphysics animation in scenes?
I exactly double your search for animation
There is a little skp called "advance" made by sarnam, that I do not find again, where a little 3-cylinder car goes on around a scene.
It looks exactly how I would like to have a car running through a project to create animation.
I tried to manage SUphysics to imitate... without success
Marc -
RE: Offset improvement
You are right Gaieus, I did not know,
Thank you and you can erase my request.Just one more thing, I do not succeed to maintain the number repetition with that function, I always have to re-type the offset quantity
Offset improvement
When I happen to draw a lot of offset one after the other, I would very much like the offset tool to avoid me from "selecting" each time the square or line concerned before activating the offset function.
The tool could "select" automatically when passing over a line or an area.
The CTRL and ALT would behave just like now to add or substract.This little trick is not much, but SU is so much made pleasant with its dozens of little tricks that I would wish this one.