Hi Mike,
Glad you are going to read it. It has made a great difference to my quality of life, and given me the confidence to do things that I never though possible.
In other threads in this forum people have mentioned for example that it was later on in life that they built up their confidence, and that they were held back because of it. I would put my hand up to that. I was 48 before I bought this book. I had bought other 'self improvement' type books before this one, but Calm at work did it for me.
Dealing with a massive work load prior to retirement became a breeze, doing stuff like standing in front of large group of people giving a talk was something I would run a mile from. I actually put something on that required me to do this. I'm not saying I was good, but I was inwardly calm, enjoyed it, and the event went down very well, and I had a smile on my face because I knew that I have cracked it.
And the story goes on and on.
I was chatting to our hairdresser the other day and mentioned the book to her. She said that she would love to read it, so I gave here my dog eared copy.
I wonder someties if the best time to read a book like this is when you feel you really need it. I did and it worked and so is the story from other friends.
I'm happy to gab on this subject either on this open forum or via pm.
PS When I returned to work after reading the book, I put at the bottom of the report that I had to complete at the end of each day.
'Aiming to deliver a quality of service second to none'
It was my clear statement of my goal at work. Clear as a whistle. Bring it on.
It took me to a completely different level and one that I am always aiming to aspire to.