Hi all, Rich marked the query about FF disappearance as solved, so I've had to start a new topic. Yes, sadly, FF is no more. Personally, I was never entirely happy with the the subscription model as being the sole means of distribution...even less so with SU itself going down the same path, but that's another story and water under the bridge.
However Gabriel and I have got thousands of models between us that it would be a pity to let go to waste. I was in contact with him a while ago and confided in my plans to start selling my stuff retail. He may well do the same. The price point is about the same as it was way back around 2000 when I brought out the first SU People CD...$1 per model...slightly cheaper, in fact
It was that venture that led to me being contacted by Fred Abler, who had already started Objective Networks (of which the 3D Warezhouse is a direct rip-off, except for the major factors of ON having a quality control and approval system, which filtered-out all the junk and pirated content)
That in turn led us all to attending the very first SU basecamp in Boulder...when even Coen was a member of the team. History lesson over. 
It's quite a job, given the sheer scale of the resource, but I'm busy going through my entire inventory; and now I've started updating and repackaging the figures and vegetation ready for resale. The equipment will take a little longer. I assume Gabriel is doing the same with his stuff.
I've got the barest bones website up and running at [http://3d-figures.co.uk] which I'll be using to simply link to the model collections hosted on established digital content sites. I've already got a collection of Pool People (and equipment) hosted on Turbosquid (only did it yesterday) but the uploading procedure there is very lengthy and precise and they take a massive commission for anyone starting out, so I may try various other options. I loaded the same collection onto CG Trader this morning, but they say it can take 5 working days for approval, so no sign of it so far. It's only $49.99 there.
Here's a few of the supporting graphics. I'll be in touch as things progress.