Wrap-R for SketchUp
Thanks Rich
Is it possible to define a padding value for the auto layout?
Btw sometimes when moving/rotating the island there are unwanted random scaling of the islands.
How to avoid them? -
No way to add padding...yet
The easiest way to move/rotate/scale is to use the 3D view to pick your islands by double clicking in the 3D space.
No need to switch tools from Uv select to move or rotate.
Click to play GIF
If you select UV move it only moves in the 2D space. In the 3D space, the UV select tool is always active. So I tend to use the 3D view to pick islands and use the 2D view for moving, scaling etc...
Ok, thanks!
I can't find the nice wrapr tiles texture you use in the videos.
Is there a way to install them? -
Not yet, but check your email inbox
Cool... I finally did it.
The chassis is an old model of my Javelin I made with SketchUp 4.
I never quite succeeded in modeling the Optima body (lexan) because of the tools lacking in SketchUp, but with the recent addition of SubD and QFT, I was confident to be able to model it correctly.
Yet I missed an unwrap tool as I didn't want to go the 3dsmax way to make all the complex painting scheme, not to mention the rich decals.Sketchup 2017 + SubD + QFT + WrapR + Substance Painter 2.6 + Thea Render 1.5 + Photoshop
Great model!
Thanks Joao
Whoa! Nice!
Any chance we can see the raw mesh?
I don't know which impresses me more, the end product or the fact that you still had a SKP created way back in the day with SU4!?!
Here are the control mesh...
and the subdivided mesh.
I could probably do with less vertices but I'm still learning quad modeling.
Nevertheless I'm quite happy with the results so far.
Quads + QFT + WrapR + Substance Painter (+ Photoshop) really changed the way I model in SU and the way I see modeling in SU.I'm still missing more hard surface modeling tools.
Woah nice work!
such a great work - it can´t hardly get better !!
( & a cool render staging ! ) -
I really want the Mac version ... of Wrap-R ....
Great looking car model, Optima!
Another example... Here I only WrapR'ed the tires and painted them with Substance Painter, then exported back the texture to Sketchup, rendered with Thea...
Previously I had to add the markings with PS or stamp the text as vector shapes in raw sketchup geometry. -
Those car models are beautiful. I can't imagine how you got there despite the great plugins.
I just discovered this awesome looking plugin. I got the trial version and started playing with this. Usually when I'm making a game asset, I make the texture map first and adjust as I go along. I would usually do my UV mapping in Blender where I could move the islands to where I want them within the texture. But when I start WrapR, the texture I assigned in Sketchup does not show up in WrapR and the "Sketchup Texture" option is greyed out. How do I bring in my texture after launching WrapR from Sketchup?
BTW, the help button takes me to the home page and I don't see an obvious way to navigate to the user guide from there. Is there any more documentation for this that explain working with textures?
Make sure your texture is square 1 : 1
For documentation see : https://wrap-r.com/docs-wrapr-sketchup.html
Still not complete as I've more to add soon