SubD examples and models
Thank you, those are rendered with Indigo Renderer.
A little late night messing about..... Made the little curved piece down front, follow me then Vertex tools to get the twist... Now what ???? Copy around and you get a kind of crazy flower shaped fruit bowl !
love this "messing"
(btw "Messing" in German is the metal alloy brass)
@hornoxx said:
love this "messing"
(btw "Messing" in German is the metal alloy brass)
Thanks HornOxx. Curious would "fooling about" translate better
@thomthom said:
Btw, do you have some quad that are not fully QuadFace quads? I see some unexpected uneven edges in the back there:
[attachment=0:1mfg7n1x]<!-- ia0 -->2019-01-19_13h26_35.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1mfg7n1x]
This is the same strange behaviour I got last year with some meshes. Dunno why, but it seems that some vertices react as a 1.0 crease when subdivided although they are 0 when checked with the crease tool.
I usually delete the problematic edges and redraw the geometry from scratch when that happens. -
More late night fooling about / practice. Seem obsessed with what I can make out of copies of one piece. Made the piece on the left, copy _ array twelve times. Exploded and regrouped. Cleaned up the internal bits with Solid Inspector. Decided to flare the top a little more, as always Vertex tools makes it easy. There you have another crazy vase.
@tuna1957 said:
...Seem obsessed with what I can make out of copies of one piece...
be careful - there is such a high addiction factor
again a so nice (not fooling!) practice
(in the throat(?) above you end up with a triangle - I still do not really understand correctly whether triangles are no longer an obstacle in this kind of workflow, which they were at the beginning of SubD) -
Next you'll start twisting them, then all is lost.
You'll have to start on the twelve steps and put your faith in a higher power...
Box -
@box said:
Next you'll start twisting them...and put your faith in a higher power...
.wunderbar !!
Thanks Box , HornOxx.
HornOxx, you asked about triangles..... After I exploded the twelve pieces I erased and redrew the flat bottom inside and out so they were all quads. The pairs of triangles at the top just bellow the rim I could eliminate by " soft, smooth, no cast shadows" but I lost to much definition of the crease that way. Leaving them as triangles kept a better look to the vertical grooves. It seems you can cheat on the quads a little sometimes and still get a nice result.
thanks for these Infos - yes, you are geting a better shape so
This Green-Blue look is this quadface tools live mesh analysis feature - I always forget about this good feature -
HornOxx, your correct the green, purple colors are from Quadface tools analyze function. I forget about it myself sometimes
@optimaforever said:
@thomthom said:
Btw, do you have some quad that are not fully QuadFace quads? I see some unexpected uneven edges in the back there:
[attachment=0:gkjocs9z]<!-- ia0 -->2019-01-19_13h26_35.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:gkjocs9z]
This is the same strange behaviour I got last year with some meshes. Dunno why, but it seems that some vertices react as a 1.0 crease when subdivided although they are 0 when checked with the crease tool.
I usually delete the problematic edges and redraw the geometry from scratch when that happens.If you send me one of these models I can have a look into what is going on.
Some more of my weird Vertex tools and SubD stuff. Twisted up the piece on the left, did some copy - array business. Add a few more bits and pieces and I ended up with a hanging lamp. SubD on the twisty bits and bottom trim ring the rest native SU.....
Not by me!
A couple of sinks I knocked up as an example.
SimpleSomewhat more complex
No thickness ?
@pilou said:
No thickness ?
I think thickness doesn't make sense where it's not to be seen. but did you notice that Box even models the water overflow correctly?
Yes of course, it was for find a little default on these voluptuous design beauties!
The cool thing about Subdivision modeling it's that is always a surprise before the final object!
@pilou said:
The cool thing about Subdivision modeling it's that is always a surprise before the final object!
Yes, each time