[Plugin] SketchUV - now free
That seems like a dirty solution. There's a quad texture in this plugin than why cant it handle quads correct, making it triangles makes unnecessary big. Isnt there a other solution
Do some tests on exporting obj from blender.
You'll see that non planar quad faces are subdivided and not triangulated.
So whilst these plugins support the QuadFace convention it doesn't work both ways unless you force it.
The other solution which is faster is to stay entirely in Blender.
Ok so I have had a read through the thread and it doesn't seem like anyone is dumb enough to try what I want to do...
I want to create a Icosahedron (triangular sided) globe. So I choose the spherical mapping and the UV maps appear to be ok but when I put the globe texture on the poles aren't quite right.
Is it because there aren't enough faces to map to? Would sub dividing help? or is it too low poly?
Here are the screen shots and skippy.
Thanks in advance
That look about right to me.
Tri's and poles are hard for any mapping method.
@rich o brien said:
That look about right to me.
Tri's and poles are hard for any mapping method.
I'm not so fussed about Antarctica but Greenland isn't quite all there.
this might be better....
....but it'll pinch at poles...
That does look better Rich, as always with this sort of thing the client wants it to be triangular faces.
You can have tris but that shape is hard to resolve
@rich o brien said:
You can have tris but that shape is hard to resolve
Ok thanks Rich
, I will try and sort it
Not sure if you can use this, but that paper globe model is available for free at model+model...
I downloaded the OBJ and imported it to SketchUp and got this result...
A hipoly lo poly version.
It even looks great when rendered...
My pleasure...
Hey man, thanks for the plugin ! It solves so many problems we are facing ! I just downloaded it to try , am facing an issue with your plug in.
I've followed the tutorial by clicking the surface , the iconbar , align the angles and select the context menu planar surface - but it doesn't apply the UV map ... it just applis my last texture.
Have tried it many times to no avail.
Any idea what happened ?
Many thanks for this nice plugin!!
I got a question. Ive read somewhere when import a obj mesh which gets triangulated at normal size (for me metric) better use a smaller import size. Im using meter in blender and than import it as inch into SU, cm still gives triangles and mm cuts holes.
what scale do i need to use to set it back to meter. Im searching google but im not sure what keywords i need to use. Im non english person so bit harder for correct translation.
Doing my own tests i came around 39.35% when i use the scale tool in SU, im still a bit off. Anyone here who knows the exact scale method
After checking again and using a simple cube i found that 39.37% scale is exact. I could also use the tape measure ofcourse, i totally forgot about that function. Measuring the down scaled part and than simply typing the exact number.
Now i wonder why the scale is such awkward number, any know familiar with this
This is because 1 m is about 39.37 inches I think...
I suppose this is not the place... or maybe it is... but I followed the Roadkill SketchUV road mapping tutorial and it didn´t work at all.
The problem was that my road had a more complex triangulation and when I started pulling the border vertexes arond at RoadKill, Roadkill did not know how to deal with the vertexes in the middle of the road... it resulted in a bad mess, specially when I would pull the right vertexes to the right side of the map... there were triangles jumping all over the place inside Roadkill