Power Toolbar (2.5) - fix for 2019
It looks different for me... the first icon in the middle column is Comps to Grid Array and even when maximized, the lowest row of icons is only visible when I enable automatic taskbar hiding. Not a big issue, certainly, but a little annoying.
Bob, are you sure you have no file or folder named jhs anywhere? never happened before.
Pherim, strange sounding - the new fix sets the window at 650 vertical, so that should not occur.
it should look like above image: first icon on second column being 'center to red'.
it's nice max!
now get back to the guitar...
...don't tempt me, mate!
Oh, alright, I didn't realize I had to re-install it... It was not marked as updated. After re-installing, it works, thank you!
Thank you for this fantastic job! I will try it right now!
told of a bug in the menus - fix coming soon.
Does installing the toolbar also install all of the related plugins?
awesome collection and coding
great - hope you keep having fun with maintaining and expanding this
I missed it... Glorious.
Hi, Thanks for sharing this amazing plugins, I installed it via Sketchucation Store (Autoinstall)but how come mine seems lacking? Do I need to uninstall old plugins first? Please see attached screenshot. Thanks!
Is the current version 2.3 compatible with SU 2016?
Many thanks
Por favor nao consigo instalar, aparece erro! Já fiz todo o processo, meu windows 8!
Me ajude!!!!!
Error Loading File C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/jhs/_jhs_powerbar/jhs_powerbar_menux.rb
Error: No such file or directory - C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/jhs/_jhs_powerbar/jhs_pb.strings
C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/jhs/_jhs_powerbar/jhs_powerbar_menux.rb:19:inreadlines' C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/jhs/_jhs_powerbar/jhs_powerbar_menux.rb:19:in
C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/jhs/_jhs_powerbar/jhs_powerbar_menux.rb:6:in<top (required)>' C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/Tools/extensions.rb:197:in
C:/Program Files/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/Tools/extensions.rb:197:inload' C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/_jhs01_powerbar.rb:16:in
C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/_jhs01_powerbar.rb:16:in<module:JHS_powerbar>' C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/_jhs01_powerbar.rb:8:in
C:/Users/Usuário/AppData/Roaming/SketchUp/SketchUp 2015/SketchUp/Plugins/_jhs01_powerbar.rb:7:in `<top (required)>' -
pictures tell more than 1000 words
Thank you so much for this great tool collection - I've missed so much !!
(it works great!) -
@onzki said:
Hi, Thanks for sharing this amazing plugins, I installed it via Sketchucation Store (Autoinstall)but how come mine seems lacking? Do I need to uninstall old plugins first? Please see attached screenshot. Thanks!
Funny It's been a year and I have to reply to my own post LOL.. Anyway, for those with similar question like mine here, I finally found where the missing icons are, Euerka! They're under the main menu "HELP->CADFATHER PACK->POWERBARICONS." It took me a year to discover by accident since I don't often scroll down the help menu path.
These are truly amazing plugins, thanks a lot!
Extrude tool fails in sketchup 2017
It does not create surface
please fix it
thank -
@onzki said:
Funny It's been a year and I have to reply to my own post LOL.. Anyway, for those with similar question like mine here, I finally found where the missing icons are, Euerka! They're under the main menu "HELP->CADFATHER PACK->POWERBARICONS." It took me a year to discover by accident since I don't often scroll down the help menu path.
These are truly amazing plugins, thanks a lot!sorry, haven't been around - though the answer was on the first post: "- The menu itself is under the Help section, this is due to traffic and it ties up with things to come."
glad you got it working
aware of the glitch with extrude and 2017. busy at present, but as soon as i get some time to dive into the code again, i'll post a working update
Ciao Max!
Ciao Rich, hope you're good! : )