[Plugin] FreeDXF Importer
Bingo....your a star Tig
That sorted it, many thanks for your expertise. I'm raising a beer to you right now!....Hic!....well it is Friday! -
Handling metric units would realy be a plus. It is easily possible to scale from metric to imperial but the reverse is no as easy as it requires to scale by a fractional number.
As all my DXFs are in cm I can not use FreeDXF.Please consider supporting metric drawings.
PS: If somebody knows a way, please reply!
1" is 2.54cm
1cm is 0.393700787401574803" [1/2.54]
However, Sketchup's in-built accuracy regards 0.3937007" as being 'exactly' 1cm... so you can use that [or even 0.3937] as your scaling factor. After all we are talking about modeling 'buildings' here, not 'swiss-watches'... -
Hi -
I am having trouble getting the plugin to run. I'm on a Mac running OSX 10.6.8 and Sketchup 8.0. I downloaded the latest version v0.57 and put the .rbz file in my plugin folder. There are lots of other plugins there, though no others of type rbz.
When I start Sketchup, there is no FreeDXF Importer item in the Plugins menu. I am probably missing something really simple -- I'm a pretty new Sketchup user. Any help is much appreciated! Thanks!
@pbacot said:
Hi! try this:
Doh - thanks for that, it's all working now!
I have sketchup 8.0 free and have put this .rbz ruby into the plugins folder but its not appearing when I load sketchup. Incidentally, nowhere does it let you unzip it either? Am I missing something? i'm trying to import a vector file from scan2cad
kind regards
@braikenridge said:
I have sketchup 8.0 free and have put this .rbz ruby into the plugins folder but its not appearing when I load sketchup. Incidentally, nowhere does it let you unzip it either? Am I missing something? i'm trying to import a vector file from scan2cad
To use RBZ packages you need to install them using the Install Extension feature in SketchUp: http://www.thomthom.net/thoughts/2012/01/installing-plugins-for-google-sketchup/#the-easy-way-8211-rbz-packages
I bumped the version to 0.7.1. For v0.7.0 I must have uploaded the wrong file. If your version says anything other than v0.7.1 then please update.
import in cm or mm would be nice, thanks.
@jim said:
@srknytgn said:
import in cm or mm would be nice, thanks.
I agree, and I am working on it.
Rather than recode any stuff in the 'data-processing' could you have an opening dialog to just ask the user to choose the input 'units'?
Then after the import is done [inside its own 'container' [definition]], you can simply apply an XYZ scaling transformation to the container's entities, based at the ORIGIN.
A simple lookup list of 'scaling_factors' based on inches to feet/m/cm/mm is all that is needed to make a single 'transform_entities' ?
You could also ask for the 'Keep-CAD-Origin?', or NOT. If not, then the entities can be transformed [translated] by the vector from their bounds.min back to the ORIGIN - i.e. the instance's insertion-point... -
hey jim,
i'm trying to import a dxf file but it comes in scaled to inches.
as an example i tried to import 1000x1000 square with a unitless autocad setting dxf and it came to sketchup 2540 x 2540 mm. i've choosen mm when the pop up displayed.do you think something was wrong?
1000 'units' read from a DXF file are taken as 1000 inches.
When you 'scale' it 'to mm' the 1000" --> 25400mm NOT the displayed 2540mm ?
BUT looking into your DXF file... the box's edges are actually 100 'units' long! NOT 1000, so therefore it ought to produce 2540mm when 'scaled' as you showed ??If your DXF says something is 100 'units' long [taken as 100" as SketchUp's base-units are inches] and you tell it to scale it to 'mm' - then logically you will get something 2540mm long [which is 100" !]
If you want to get it to assume the 100 'units' is actually 100mm then the scaling needs to be NOT 'TO mm' but 'FROM mm'.
The scaling factor would then be:100.mm / 100.inch
which is actually 1/25.4
So 100 'units' --> 100" - which is then rescaled to be the smaller 'mm' dimension of exactly 100mm [100 / 25.4 = ~4" (3.93700787401574803") in base-units ]
I don't understand why should i scale imported drawing. I have nothing to do with inches, want to import like SU Pro. My base SU file always in cm or mm unit and always draw in Autocad unitless.
Finally my su file's unit is cm and I draw a 100 x 100 square in Autocad and I want to see it in SU as 100 x 100 cm. Is it possible with that plugin or not?
This importer always takes the DXF length of 100 as 100".
Jim's latest update is intended to allow you to 'scale' the input to whatever units you desire.
So if you choose "to-mm" then it currently applies a scaling factor to make 100 into 2540mm
My point was that it should take 1/25.4 as the scaling factor 'from-mm' and therefore you'd get 100mm as your result.
I'm sure Jim will address this shortly... -
@srknytgn said:
hey jim,
i'm trying to import a dxf file but it comes in scaled to inches.
as an example i tried to import 1000x1000 square with a unitless autocad setting dxf and it came to sketchup 2540 x 2540 mm. i've choosen mm when the pop up displayed.do you think something was wrong?
Yes I botched the importer scale. It is now fixed and version 0.8.1 is available in the Plugin Store.
Hey Jim, please don't mention it : )
But the same problem is here, I've attached the screenshot.
I've also tried clean install, but no way.
I found it - this had to do with updating the options from the UI rather than incorrect scaling factors. Check for version 0.8.2 soon.