Can this be done in SU?
@ThomThom: This is THE tool that wil make product modeling in SU a whole lot easier and cleaner. Especially since nowadays everything in design is beveled, smoothed and aerodynamic.
Don't know if it will be a part of the plugin you are working on but the ideal tool in my opinion is a plugin that lets you weld geometry together and the plugin calculates the best option to weld the geometry together automatically adjusting the geometry where the two objects meet. But maybe this is Utopia in SU. Hope that the work on the plugin is coming along nicely and that we may welcome this plugin to the sketchucation family soonPS: I'm hoping to finaly model this espresso cup tonight. Will post the result when ready. Then maybe I can finaly finish the scene it's supposed to be in.
Greetz Twan
This is a great work but what we need to model a cup of coffee is just box modeling. Meaning quads not tris. Just extruding, welding and subsurfing (catmull clark). -
@michaliszissiou said:
This is a great work but what we need to model a cup of coffee is just box modeling. Meaning quads not tris. Just extruding, welding and subsurfing (catmull clark).Bezier Surface will let you create parametric Quad and Tri Surfaces.
@michaliszissiou said:
There's only one decent way to model such things and it's not supported in SU.
why not nurbs?
here's another approach for keeping it in sketchup.. using the loft tool in curviloft.
Nice to see videos on curviloft, there'll probably never be enough for me.
Now, how to resolve the dent these intersections put into the surface?Peter
Yes, thanks, Jeff.
I think you should drop a copy of you vid over in the one or all of the curvi threads.
Probably not exactly what you need, but still this is an interesting Kito Raupp's approach (especially the last example). All SU native tools.
[flash=853,480:2e3zhf4v][/flash:2e3zhf4v] -
Here's a similar way...
...or with Artisan...
@pbacot said:
Now, how to resolve the dent these intersections put into the surface?
hey peter..
i really don't know what the actual cause is behind shading errors.. i do know that sketchup doesn't like a bunch of vertices defining the boundaries of a facet which is part of a curved surface (which is likely to occur when you intersect two curved surfaces)..
this .3ds import triangulates everything and the resulting sketchup model doesn't exhibit the shading error.
@unknownuser said:
this .3ds import triangulates everything and the resulting sketchup model doesn't exhibit the shading error.
SU obj exporter as well. A render engine will do the same when rendering. Kerky and Thea have solved the smoothing normals problem (it's called "termination problem"), other physically correct apps like octane, Kray, Cycles etc have not. So, wait for ugly artifacts, under certain circumstances of lighting.
What about using subdivisions/real displacements on such meshes? For exactly the same reason, what about importing such topology in zbrush, MudBox, sculptris, blender? The only solution will come via retopology methods. Quite not practical.Anyway, there're some decent ways to model such things, non of them is supported in SU (IMO, it never will). SU user interface is against these principles of box modeling.
Well, that's still very helpful on curvi use. I finally figured out, since no one would tell me, that one must 'escape' from orbiting while in edit mode in order to preserve the session. 'Space' ends the session without saving.
This pic has nothing to do with that. Yes, for this case CurviLoft seems fast and well suited.
@brookefox said:
Yes, for this case CurviLoft seems fast and well suited.
yeah.. i think it's the best way to do this if the final shape is what i'm imagining Twan is looking for.
lol. nice.
digging the woven java jacket. -
what's all the fuss? Of course SU can handle it!
@michaliszissiou said:
Very nice suggestions, leading to terrible topology.
Don't try it if some real displacement gonna happen.
For exactly the same reason don't import it in zbrush or sculptris.There's only one decent way to model such things and it's not supported in SU.
why not?
You need some more tools now, like loop cuts etc.
You don't also have a UI for making this work fast and easy.
You also need artisan to make it smooth. -
ok, if we are talking about create and animate organic characters and so on, i totally agree with you.. blender is blender..
but if we are just talking of a coffee cup i think sketchup is good enough, you are right, maybe you need a couple of plugins of course, but at least you don't need to import/export/convert/learn blender..