[Plugin][$] Curviloft 2.0a - 31 Mar 24 (Loft & Skinning)
Exactly where did you place the files? The full path please? OR even a screenshot of your plugins folder?
Just about every time someone has problem installing it is because then installed them incorrectly. Either in the wrong location or they didn't maintain folder structure of the zip package. -
NEW RELEASE: Curviloft 1.2d - 13 Apr 12
This release marks diagonals in the mesh in ALL generation modes, not just with the PseudoQuad option on. This will better guide mesh reconstruction for usage by the QuadFaceTools by Thomthom and also for Texturing in Mesh UV mode in Thrupaint.
Marking of diagonals is simply to set their edge property with Casts Shadows = false
To summarize
- With option Pseudo-Quads on, you force a complete triangulation of the Mesh. Diagonals are marked
- In other modes, the mesh is triangulated only where needed. When there is triangulation, the diagonals are also marked.
See main post for download
Thanks Fredo
Thanks Fred! Great update to further SU Quad capabilities. Hoping other authors continue with this trend. (hinting Artisan)
@unknownuser said:
NEW RELEASE: Curviloft 1.2d - 13 Apr 12
This release marks diagonals in the mesh in ALL generation modes, not just with the PseudoQuad option on. This will better guide mesh reconstruction for usage by the QuadFaceTools by Thomthom and also for Texturing in Mesh UV mode in Thrupaint.
Marking of diagonals is simply to set their edge property with Casts Shadows = false
To summarize
- With option Pseudo-Quads on, you force a complete triangulation of the Mesh. Diagonals are marked
- In other modes, the mesh is triangulated only where needed. When there is triangulation, the diagonals are also marked.
See main post for download
Thank Fredo again update this iconic tool, thank you
I know this is still beta but I think the included features are supposed to work in the current version (sorry if I am wrong). However, the option to generate the junction edges of the skinning tool does not work for me. It only generates the first one and then does nothing any more, although the cursor still shows the hourglass symbol. Generating intermediate edges works fine, however. Can you confirm this problem? And if yes, when will this be fixed?
@pherim said:
I know this is still beta but I think the included features are supposed to work in the current version (sorry if I am wrong). However, the option to generate the junction edges of the skinning tool does not work for me. It only generates the first one and then does nothing any more, although the cursor still shows the hourglass symbol. Generating intermediate edges works fine, however. Can you confirm this problem? And if yes, when will this be fixed?
this feature Does work for me.. can you post the .skp you're having problems with?
What I didn't mention is that I want to use it for a flat surface. With contours that would generate a bent surface it works for me, too. But I would like to use it to divide a flat surface in many small faces that match the contours. In the preview it looks just the way I want it but when trying to generate it doesn't work.
As Jeff asked, post the SKP file where it doesn't work.
@pherim said:
What I didn't mention is that I want to use it for a flat surface. With contours that would generate a bent surface it works for me, too. But I would like to use it to divide a flat surface in many small faces that match the contours. In the preview it looks just the way I want it but when trying to generate it doesn't work.
In my experience, CL does not handle perfectly flat surfaces very well. It will surface a "flat" plane if at least 1 vertex is at least .001 in out of planar, and may not show diagonal line(s), up to a point.
The latest version is much better,
but the older versions resulted in an empty group when surfacing a very flat perimeter.
As far as dividing the surface into some sort of mesh, that would be a hit/or/miss depending on how "flat" the perimeter is.
@dave r said:
As Jeff asked, post the SKP file where it doesn't work.
I'm sorry I was in a hurry when I wrote my last reply and I was unable to look into the forums for the last few days. I have attached a sample file with explaining notes. However, this appears to happen with every flat surface, at least the ones I tried.
I fail to see why you need to use this tool to do this...
If you select one or more edges in the coplanar set... and run one of the several 'add-faces' tools available... it faces almost instantly...If you want to 'mesh' the 'flat' one face then my ExtrudeEdgesByRails will do it thus.
No smoothing etc to show messy mesh because of uneven vertices distribution in the two original wavy curves...
Yes I tried to do what your ExtrudeEdgesByRails appears to do. Will try it in a minute! I realize that the edges are not perfect for that purpose, but it's just an example file.
edit: It works. Thank you!
@pherim said:
@dave r said:
As Jeff asked, post the SKP file where it doesn't work.
I'm sorry I was in a hurry when I wrote my last reply and I was unable to look into the forums for the last few days. I have attached a sample file with explaining notes. However, this appears to happen with every flat surface, at least the ones I tried.
[attachment=0:xnznwx1c]<!-- ia0 -->Skin_test.skp<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:xnznwx1c]
a workaround you can do at this time is:
select the edges / choose curviLoft 'skinning of shapes'
under Geometry in curviloft, click 'Generate the Junctions as SU Curves' (the last icon in geometry)this will give you the lines you're seeking, albeit they are softened..
(for purposes of this example, explode the curviloft generated group at this time)select everything then right-click -> Soften/Smooth edges
set the slider to zero which will unhide the lines..
switch to wireframe mode then select all the lines and copy/move them to a new location..
switch back to a shaded mode and only your curves/junction edges will in the copied set of geometry..(and maybe the way i described it there sounds worse than doing it in reality..
.. it's pretty quick/painless )
Thank you, that worked!
@brookefox said:
The pic shows two arc profiles desired to be swept along an arc path in red. Though the two profiles are separate curves, 'loft along path' makes them one when picked. One should be a beginning transitioning to the other as an ending.
It depends on the edge selection you choose (follow or curve) and also you need to click in the empty space to force the separation of the 2 contours since they are contiguous
I guess there is no way as even if the two arcs are perpendicular to each other it treats them as one.