Thanks Paul. Some good things to consider. I appreciate it.
The design of the kitchen was pre-made by Kitchenmaid and is a model available from the 3D Warehouse, but without lights and refrigerator. I didn't modify it much except to add the refrigerator, microwave, the fruit bowl, cutting board, coffee cup, dishes, lights and cutting board. All the other counter things were already in place. (wait, that sounds like a lot)
The model geometry itself is a mess. I spent some time cleaning it up, but just gave up after I found more and more things wrong with it. Materials especially.
This really wasn't a design exercise so much as a render exercise.
The track lighting on the cabinets is a good example. It should be glare. That was the effect I was trying to achieve, not as a wanted effect, but to see what the render program would do, yet the render program didn't do it. The lights over the sink are strange too. They should light up the interior of the metal shade, yet they barely do. I think his is why several people have asked about the light sources. I need to look further into that.
Material settings are all me. I did not spend more time with the pre-set materials that came with the model.
All that said, I really do appreciate your feedback. It's those kind of tips that will help me avoid future mistakes when I start to make my own interiors. This is exactly the kind of feedback I was looking for. (as well as compliments of course )
So again thanks for the critique and let me know if you see any other things that can be improved in my future renders. I'm really trying to move beyond just lighting. I'm trying to achieve an "atmosphere" effect, but I know that just comes with practice.