I am not shure if i understand the problem. But i use very large 3ds files to import in SU. Do you have set this in the option dialog? Without it makes moore Edges.
RE: Importing .3ds files into SU
RE: Realtime Raytracing
Thanks guys. Seams to be a good application to render scenes real fast!
Realtime Raytracing
Watch this:
With what kind of application is this made? -
RE: Sonne & Schatten
Elevation 45 Shadow ist nicht schlecht. Hier noch was ähnliches:
http://sketchuptips.blogspot.com/2008/02/sun-tool-preview.html -
RE: Sonne & Schatten
Danke für die schnellen Antworten. Hier scheint was los zu sein! Werde mal ausprobieren
Sonne & Schatten
Ich bin nicht ganz glücklich mit dem Schattendialog in Sketchup. Ich suche ein Plugin mit dem man den Sonnenstand mit Granden andgeben kann. Z.B. Sonne oben = 0° rechts = 90° usw. Kennt jemand so etwas? Ich finde es umständlich mit dem Datum zu arbeiten, den Sonnenstand so haben zu wollen wie ich will ist zeitaufwändig und eine Glücksache. Sonnenhöhe ist gut mit der Zeitangabe aber nicht mit dem Datum die Richtung zu definieren. Gibt es etwas?
Seit wann ist hier eigentlich ein deutsches Unterforum? -
RE: Twilight Render
Ich habe eine Lizenz erworben und ich kann es wirklich weiterempfehlen. Sehr einfach und trotzdem effektiv!
RE: NVIDIA Gelato Pro 2.2 render software-free
Sorry, of corse it has nothing to do with it. I guess i let it be with gelato because i have studied a lot now Kerkythea and i can handel it. So it is O.K for me. Good Time to South Africa
RE: NVIDIA Gelato Pro 2.2 render software-free
Hi again
I have found blenderphyton.sy on internet and i could intall it and beginn to use. The blender console tells me: XML config file xml not found, will use default settings. What does this means???
RE: NVIDIA Gelato Pro 2.2 render software-free
Hi Juju
Thanks for all. Export script in Blender? I have already readed about it but i do not know what this mean. Indigo and PovRay seams to bee programs without graphic surface where you have to give device with wrighting it, to heavy for me. Maeby you can explane to me the thing with Blender again. Do you think that anyway it is possible to get high quality pictures with gelato?
RE: NVIDIA Gelato Pro 2.2 render software-free
Hi Juju
Thanks for answering. I got no Email about your answer, normaly i get some if somebody wright an answer to a posting (in other forums), so sorry for my late answering. I know about the blender but i will not try because i think i will never understand blender I like sketchup very much and i will make perfect rendering somehow. I guess i will try moore with Kerkythea, i found out that it is possible to make a small network with it, so i can use many PC's and this will make rendertimes more less! I am in the google sketchup forum to, is there a difference between google sketchup and just sketchup?
I saw now that i have to select "Notify me when a replay is posted"!
RE: NVIDIA Gelato Pro 2.2 render software-free
Hi anibody
I am new here and have the question if it is possible to use gelato for sketchup. I use Kerkythea for making good pictures but the rendertimes are amazing! Is there a way to use gelato instead? Or another faster GI Renderer? I am not a real freak, so it has to be easy to understand