Yes that's it
I had an earlier version from this plugin and i did not realised the update.
Thanks a lot massimo and tomtom! And also mitcorb for answer.
RE: 2 faces at the same place
2 faces at the same place
At the image you can see that sometimes objects have 2 faces at the same place and it should not be! It is not that easy to delete them. Is there a way or a plugin to do this automatic? If not this would be a nice idea for a plugin
RE: Exporting to 3D Model
@genx79 said:
Can you recommend a good unwrapping plug-in made for Sketchup?
Sorry no because for this i do not have enough knowhow
RE: Exporting to 3D Model
Do you work with SU pro? If not you can not export files. I would export as obj file. It should keep any material specifications.
RE: [Plugin] SU2POV 3.3
Thanks for answer. This sounds interesting and if you can handle it (using without real interface, just using the keyboard) then it can be good and i know that good is in hand from the user So for me i belive this is anyway to heavy for me and i stay where i am.
RE: [Plugin] SU2POV 3.3
Thanks for the Exporter. PovRay i could never use because of the interface. With the SUExporter it works. But i am wondering about PovRay: Is it not an old renderer and other newer engines are much better or is this wrong?
RE: Animation in SU beschleunigt zu stark
Wie gesagt ist Animation nicht mein Ding und ich kenne es nicht weil ich es nicht benötige. Da musst Du Dich wohl in der Hilfedatei schlau machen, da ist eigentlich immer alles gut beschrieben.
RE: Animation in SU beschleunigt zu stark
Animation ist zwar nicht mein Ding aber: SU 7 ist für grosse Szenen viel besser und schneller in allen Navigationen als SU 6. Ist viel besser. Kann es damit zusammenhängen? Die Animation kann man doch sicher einstellen vom Tempo her.
RE: Grey areas
Hi notareal
You are really a master! It works! I have no idea what is going on with this script but who cares The view is just a default top view not a special custom view. Do i have to let this script in SU all the times or is it just in this File? Thanks a lot!! -
Grey areas
I asked this allready on german forum but i get not an answer i think it was right. See the grey areas left and right. Sometimes when i like to print out scale 1.50 or similar i have those grey areas in the image. Why?
RE: Ausdruck
Danke Norbert
Leider hat es nichts gebracht, die Balken sind immer noch da bei ausgeschalteter Hardewarebeschleunigung. Ich glaube es handelt sich hier um eine Art Orientierungslinie die Sinn machen wenn man mehrere Blätter benötigt bei einem masstäblichen Ausdruck, wenn ein Blatt nicht genügt. Dann kann man die Blätter übereinanderhalten und die Balken sind die Ausrichtung. Es stimmt dann glaube ich. Nur sollte diese Orientierung nicht sein wenn nur ein Blatt gedruckt wird. Kann aber auch sein dass das gar nicht stimmt. Auf jeden Fall stören mich diese Balken weiterhin. -
Wenn ich einen Ausdruck machen will massstäblich z.B. als Grundriss dann erscheinen manchmal graue Balken links und rechts und ich weiss nicht was die bedeuten. Es ist eben nicht immer und ich möchte die eigentlich nicht haben. Wer weiss was die sind und wie ich die wegbekomme?
RE: [Plugin] CleanUp
Can someone please explain what i do when i purge? Do i loose something in model? Please explain with easy words thanks!
RE: SketchUp crashing on startup
I had the same problem. Until SU 7.0 it worked well and with 7.1 it crashed after some seconds. It worked when disable hardware acceleration but working this way is not good. I use an ATI graphiccard and then i reseted the driver application to default. Since then it worked without any problems with hardware acceleration enabled. I guess i had chanced something on anialiasing settings. On default it is "let the application decide". With this default settings it works.
RE: Sun
Thanks Gaieus
This one is not bad, i thank you for answering me What i do not like on this one: when rotate the scene after applying the plugin and set axis new then the scene do not rotate around the blue axis...
Hi you plugin masters!
I wish to have such a plugin: moving the sun to the center of the view, i mean to the center of the screen, to the view at the moment with just one click If you know Kerkythea i mean the way where the lightsource/sun is loaded when insert one... The reason for this: it is very easy to imagine where the light/shadows comes. Does it allready give something? I use elevation 45 shadows and it is not bad but not excaclty what i am looking for. So if you need ideas to create new plugins this is one...
RE: Importing .3ds files into SU
... and maybe it looks just like there are less edges because if you go to view/show hidden geometrie you see there are in fact the same numbers of edges...