Not really topic specific but the latest Xfrog related post I could find so thought I'd touch base with this one.
I've just started using Xfrog to make some custom trees. But, I'm having issues exporting them as .obj format to import into S.U. (Pro 2019). Some of my models import with the tiff textures OK, but others don't. On some, the image textures (tiffs) don't import, but get swapped out for default Xfrog textures (colors only), and on others, they come in as one sided only, which is not very useful, esp. on the leaf textures, as there are a lot of those to fix and the normal directions are all over the shop. I've also tried importing into Blender & same issue seem to occur.
I'm not sure if it's the way the trees are structured in the Hierarchy and if some Xfrog components cause issues with exporting or not. Because I've had some import into S.U. OK, I'm pretty sure it must have something to do with how there made in Xfrog. I'm trying to work it out by trial & error but hoping someone else can shed some light on the topic.
I haven't had much luck finding support resources for Xfrog, esp. in re: to S.U., so hoping this forum might be some help. And if anyone has any other tips on using Xfrog that they wish to share, that would be greatly appreciated.