Model in quads (blocks or squares) and stay away from triangles as much as possible. With quads you have more control to move things around and add geometry as needed without things getting messy.
Keep in mind with Artisan that the closer two parallel lines are, the less smoothing that will take place. So for example, if you subdivide and smooth the arm of your chair and it's turning out too rounded and thin, you need to add splines to reinforce the edges. If this isn't clear, do a little experiment: make a cube and subdivide and smooth it. What you will get is a ball... but if you take that same cube and looking at it in front view you run the knife tool close to each edge, instead of getting a ball you will get a rounded cube when you subdivide and smooth it. The further from the edge those splines are, the more rounded it will be.
So what you want to do is decide where you need to run splines on your chair in order to hold it's shape but still round out in the correct amount.