This tool is fur tool.
To interference solids will make too many raytest checks.
So it will be too slow to use.
The purpos of preview is chechking the styles.
The show full preview will too slowly to use fine.
I limit the number of fur in previwe to make it fast.
So preview position is not same to generating.
Sorry for my poor technology.
This is last test.
Please open Ruby console in sketchup.
(menu bar -> windows -> ruby console)
And copy and paste this line.
wdlg=UI;;WebDialog.new( "Fur TEST", true, "T2H_FUR_DIALOG", 300, 680, 150, 150, true);wdlg.set_url("http://jqueryui.com/slider/");wdlg.show_modal
like this picture.
And press enter key to run the script.
Webdialog will be shown.
The right state of display is here.
I am not able to solve this problem when there is no slider.
If the slider is shown,I think the prbolem caused to "CSS" folder.