@jsteacy said:
Very convincing pebbles, I assume you modeled a few then used the fur plugin to distribute them. what we're the settings you used on the fur plugin? Also it looks like (but hard to tell) you used a pebble texture underneath the modeled ones to cut down on the amount of modeled pebbles, smart, I'm curious what this would look like farther away as part of a whole house shot to see if it's still as convincing (plus I don't think many renders would be so close to the pebbles).
Thanks, yes, I used three modeled pebbbles [with a slight sheen in Twilight] as the base component.
There is a pebble texture underneath, as insurance, but I can barely see it.
This image is about a 50% crop of the original, so the area covered wasnt extensive.
Even though I only used 100 instances to a square metre the rendering time ramps up considerably as each individual pebble has to be rendered.
So, generally, something like this is useful for close up shots...or maybe larger areas if you have plenty of time and a really fast computer.