SU and Monitor Issues
Im using an old 19" Hitachi CRT monitor which was cutting edge in its day [about 10 years ago
I recently upgraded my computer and hoped to get rid of a SU problem which I thought was computer related.
.....SU would on the goes black.....comes back....message "SU not responding"......more or less like that, even with a new light model.Now, with the new machine [2.4 Q6600, 8800GT 512 card and 3 G Ram] the same thing is happening.
So, does it sound like the monitor?.....and is this my excuse to lash out on a Samsung 245T [hehe]?
Any help appreciated,
I doubt it is the montior, especially if it is actually causing SU to crash.
It sounds more like a software problem, although its hard to say exactly what in SU is making it crash.
Oh, and dont forget to get all the latest drivers and everything, it might just be old drivers (if your lucky.)
That happened to me. I managed to fix it by tweaking the Nvidia display driver settings. Change anti-aliasing to programe controlled and don't use any anti-aliasing in sketup (under preference menu). That should get rid of your problem.
Thanks Guys,
It seems like it should be a software issue [or at least a graphics card issue] but its weird that Im getting the same problem with two completly different computers....but with the same monitor. I have updated the 8800GT drivers....lets see if that helps.
Chango, thanks, but Im running with that layout already.
I seem to remember that similar problems have been caused by the Microsoft and Logitech dedicated mouse drivers, and that it could be circumvented by uninstalling those and using the standard autodetected Windows driver instead. Not much help if you have a gizmo with additional buttons or other special features that you feel essential
Thanks Mate, but I think Iv'e found the problem.I hooked up an oldish LCD monitor and SU seems to be running sweetly even with large files.
So it would seem that my ancient CRT monitor wasn't able to handle SU with a current well speced video card. [ed. actually it couldnt cope with an older card either.....I think it just ran ot of steam
So it looks like I will indeed have to replace it with that Samsung 245T..........
If anybody is interested.......