Which version are you using? The version I have looks like this (see below). Took me a good while to realise that the "Copy the ORiginal" box had to be set to no, which unfortunately is not the default setting.
[image: fbzs_UIExample1.JPG]
I finally got things figured out. Sort of.
Below, the kind of results I'm looking for.
[image: MAbW_Result.JPG]
I appreciate the help with things. I'm in kind of a difficult position in a way. Most of the 3d software out there either has a User Interface that will make your eyes bleed, and lead to samurai pattern baldness, from tearing out your hair (Blender) or cost enormous amounts of money, (anything from Autodesk), or is so unstable and crashprone as to be nearly unusable (Lightwave. It's almost abandonware at this point.)
So, I use SketchUp. Unfortunately, SU has gone almost completely in the direction of Architecture, which is not all that helpful for Sci-Fi illustrators like myself. I'm always looking for workarounds, and shortcuts, plugins and extensions. Anything to speed up model building, and cut down on post production.
Meanwhile, the field of Sci-Fi illustration has gone over mostly to the Autodesk side of things. I don't know anyone with the ability to pay 3700 USD for a single seat software license.
The community here on sketchucation has always been really helpful. I really can't thank people enough for the help I've gotten here, and all the things I've learned, sometimes just from lurking and reading.
SO, Thank you once again, and may you not be in the path of the next hurricane.