@ahjkuipers said:
Still not happy with your answers.
Take a look at the next method, based on my old one.
` def helpme(a0, a1, a2, a3)
ents = Sketchup.active_model.entities
face = ents.add_face(a0, a1, a2, a3)
for i in 0..3
puts face.vertices[i].position
There are eight possibilities to define the rectangle but the output of the method will give seven times the same answer and exactly once a different one. I need all eight different answers. The dependency of clockwise/ccw is not really the problem because the method 'dosomething' already copes with this item.
There are eight possible ways to list the points of the rectangle, but since Entities#add_face will force the normal to be downward when z==0, there are actually only four possible returns in that case. All eight can only occur when the Face is not at z==0 so you can get both upward and downward normals.
However, Entities#add_face does a lot of work behind the scenes. In addition to forcing a downward normal at z==0, it checks for duplication and intersection of Entities and edits both existing Entities and your new Face to account for them. If you run helpme two times in a row without deleting the Face between, add_face will detect that the two Faces are geometrically the same (despite the original point ordering) and will return the pre-existing Face. You can add 'puts face' in your code to confirm this - same object ID! That is probably why you are seeing the same results seven times (did you delete the Face before the eighth?). I tried it while deleting the Face between cases, and I got four distinct results as expected at z==0.
You don't say anything about how dosomething works or why the Vertex ordering matters, so the best advice we can offer is something like TIG provides above, which remembers the original ordering of the points and uses this to sort the Vertices. It is possible there is a different, better way to accomplish dosomething's purpose.