RE: Steampunk Mobile Phone
What else can I say? This is eye candy! Great concept, nice modelling, and excellent renders. IMO, the render with the ruler looks the most photo-realistic. It looks too imperfect for a render. Looking forward to seeing your next project.
Hmmm. I know I've seen this somewhere before. Perhaps the Kerkythea forums a few months back?
RE: Swan Song
@tadema said:
Thank you everyone, John the square lines are the PNG files (trees) placed into the model. The trees look normal in most styles but that's how they show in hidden line mode. Hope this makes sense. Did you click the image for the larger view, you should be able to see Sammy Swan better.
regards JohnOh, so all your trees are imported right into your SketchUp model. Thanks.
Aha! Now I see him! I was looking at it (him) the wrong way.
RE: Swan Song
@numbthumb said:
The clue is in the images' title
Ah, OK. I though that might be what it was but I wasn't sure.
RE: Swan Song
Another beauty. The chimney looks great.
I have a question. What are the transparent rectangles in your SketchUp model? I figured they have something to do with the placement of plants in Photoshop but I don't really understand. Would you mind explaining?
Also, what is the white object toward the bottom left corner of the screen?
RE: Buzz Pro 3
@tig said:
Most Photoshop plugins work with Gimp if you have the special plugin that lets you use them... Available from the developers page on Pspi is a GIMP plug-in that runs 3rd-party Photoshop plug-in filters...
Thanks TIG!
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
That helps a bunch! Thanks!
@dave r said:
FWIW, on my computer, the Up arrow toggles the start and end positions on the curve and the Down Arrow toggles the start and end positions for the straight line. The Left and Right arrows don't do diddly.
Mine works the same way.
RE: NPR Style
These are great styles, as always Dave.
@dave r said:
Which is better? Before or after the second run through FotoSketcher?
Well, in my opinion, they're two different styles and you might use them for different purposes. However, I love how the first one is sketchy, and yet so clean.
RE: Moulding vs. Molding?
@gaieus said:
@unknownuser said:
You do know that no one reads your posts, right TIG?
I doappreciate and enjoy TIG's little lessons here.
Just messing with him. I read them. Except of course when he delves deep into the far reaches of the world of Ruby where my brain dares not venture . . .
Yeah, every time I see someone misuse their, there, or they're, it drives me crazy. I guess I'm just too much of a perfectionist.
RE: [Plugin] Shape Bender Beta
Karlheinz, I've been having the same thing happen to me lately. Tap the down arrow key. That fixes it for me.
Chris, out of curiosity, what does the down arrow key do exactly?
Edit: I've been beat. Sorry.
RE: Deleting old versions
Just keep them all I guess.
I'm a packrat and usually don't delete anything, (pictures, programs, even bookmarks on my browser) unless I'm absolutely sure I will never need it again. I usually end up keeping them even when I am sure, even though I know I can usually find them again somehow.
I would keep them as they don't take up much space on your hard drive and you never know when you might need them.
RE: Cottage. C&C welcome
Very nice. I like the irregularities such as a random open window and the open door. It really adds realism and takes away some of the monotony of repeating geometry.
RE: :Bar/Pub: updated 7/7
Great style, as always.
Have you considered using non-photorealistic face me people? The ones you have seem to contrast a lot with the style you have.
They are great nonetheless.
RE: Render this: Rusted, busted old beaten up car
@liam887 said:
@imabzeous said:
These are prety old busted :d wot you say
that third one is amazing, is that heavy post pro or a style you have created? Even so love it
Looks like FotoSketcher to me.
RE: Stuck. Need help with roof.
Thank you so much, Rich! Your tutorial is extremely helpful, and easy! I'll go try it right now.
Thanks again to everyone for helping me out.
RE: Stuck. Need help with roof.
Windy, I thought about PhotoMatch but was wondering if there was another way I could do it. I am not proficient in PhotoMatch and from what I've played around with it, I don't see how to get very accurate results. Maybe I'll watch some tutorials and try again using PhotoMatch.
Welcome by the way.
Bjorn, thank you. I'm not sure if my roof is regular enough to do this but I will definitely try.