@glenn at home said:
LOL, you ever use a 3D program in a VM?
it's not a VM, it's an emulation (x86) as in those days with the PPC vanishing.
@glenn at home said:
LOL, you ever use a 3D program in a VM?
it's not a VM, it's an emulation (x86) as in those days with the PPC vanishing.
@glenn at home said:
We are getting ready to see this with Apple's new mac mini and macbooks based on arm architecture. You think the new units will install the last mac version of SU before subscription?
sure, the technology behind is called 'Rosetta 2'... which doesn't work for 'BootCamp' and virtualizations.
@glenn at home said:
We know good and well that the new arm based MS surfaces will not install the last windows version of SU.
of course... but with lots of intel-based x86 notebooks/ultrabooks - even MS Surface devices - available, there is nothing which requires anybody to use an ARM-based device.
@christopheadb said:
Why not a petition against Trimble forced subscription ?
nobody is forcing you to anything, you can use your perpetual license as long as you want.
@pbacot said:
My colleagues are fine with the older software, and updating slowly.
That is the core of the problem... don't be flummoxed by the subscription-only model then.
@pbacot said:
I have to hold back or be dealing with constant version control for daily file sharing.
@juju said:
As mentioned above, clipping plane issue, has been an issue with SU ever since I can remember.
more or less all 3D applications are affected by this issue because the algorithm for calculating the 3D view port simply needs a clipping plane to avoid a time-consuming rendering of areas the user (normally) cannot see... the implementation makes the difference.
• SketchUp Help Center: Clipping and missing faces
@sekta said:
Over the past 2 years I have trailed Revit, Archicad, Autocad architecture, Bricscad BIM to various degrees but found myself always comparing them to skp.
So where are people heading with skp, are they sticking with it or are they looking to migrate to another programme in the not too distant future?
if the functionality of a full blown AEC/BIM 3D solids modeler incl. mass determination and a comprehensive BIM data exchange is required, a 3D polygon modeler as SketchUp thought for fast, creative 3D concepts and visualizations is neither comparable nor does replace them.
If SketchUp suffices you simply don't need an AEC/BIM really.
based on the MeshLab engine should maybe be mentioned.
@pelgin said:
...it has 406 component definitions and 534 materials.
close the 'Outliner' and 'Material' tab if opening a file is slow.
@mike lucey said:
It looks like Mac OS Catalina Beta, at least, does not fully support SketchUp.
what does this exactly mean, pls elaborate, thx.
• Trimble
• The SketchUp Essentials
• SketchUp School
@duanekemp said:
Is there an update on this information.... new tools that transforms triangles into a pure quad mesh?
ThomThoms plugin 'CleanUp³' is capable of connecting co-planar faces, for a further processing ThomThoms 'SubD' might be worth a look too.
There are several tools available which should be able to remesh triangles to quads as e.g. the commercial 'ZBrush' or '3D-Coat' as well as free 'Instant Meshes' or good ol' 'Meshlab'.
btw, resurrecting 10 year old threads should be avoided, just post a new thread instead.
@mike amos said:
...it was switched off, and THEN suddenly spark up with this.
might be a 'special' (non configurable) behaviour of the Make version for doing at least some promotion for the Pro version which btw subsidized the Make version.
@derek edison said:
I haven't seen the in-app check work since version 2017. 2018 still reports it's the current version.
th in-app check does work for point releases of the concerning major version only, not for new major releases. Which is helpful especially if maintenance lapsed and license data for a new major release is not available sothat upgrading would lead to a non-working version.
incompatible extensions currently known:
• Thea Render
• Podium Renderer (update available)
SketchUp Help Center: SU 2019.M1 Installers
because NURBS modelers need exact surfaces made of curves transported by common NURBS 3D CAD formats as STEP or SAT (Acis) or IGES (worse) or the native format of the destination application instead of the facetted meshes created and exported by SketchUp which are more or less worthless for a further use in a NURBS modeler.
select all and explode once, save down to the ACAD v2000 format.