Is there a plugin which allows me to divide a selected face into multiple faces inputting a require size. For example, I have plain surface 5'x5' and want to divide half of it into 4"x4" tile pattern and the other half into 1"x1" tile pattern. I came across the protude.rb but it doesn't allow you to control the size of the new faces.
My reason for this is to pass over to CAD afterward so i can't just paint a tile pattern on. Its basically creating tiles but on a flat surface for 2d export
Divide face
RE: Section Cut Lines Appearing Grey
Oh I forgot to add that everythng to the back appear normal in all modes
Section Cut Lines Appearing Grey
I hope there isn't another thread equal to this....if there is let me apologize. I'm preparing some construction documents in layout 2014 with a tight schedule.
My problem is, when i import my floor plans which i created from my sketchup model, the lines where the section plane cut appear grayed out when i use vector or hybrid. In raster they appear normal but raster doesn't give the quality of lines which I need. I have done this before and haven't come across this problem before....then again i used layout 2013 and version before.....this is my first time using 2014.
Can anyone point me in the right direction. -
RE: Layout 2014 not responding
Thank Dave R,
Your suggestion was quite helpful. I imported floor plans from autocad of massive structure which was highly detailed and when i inserted it into LO I used hybrid render. There were 3 floor levels each on a seperate page. I just left it and after hours of waiting each page opened eventually and I changed the render setting..Now I'm able to flick through my pages with no problems....Thanks alot and sorry for taking long to reply -
RE: Any plugin to evenly space objects?
Im kind of late to this topic but has anyone come up with a solution to this.....I come acroos this senerio almost every day with what i do. It would be wonderful to have a plugin which aligns selected objects along a path plus the option of along the axis, be able to specify the distance and have it spaced equally or at a given in layout you can align, space and center selected objects......
RE: Import pdf into sketchup
Geeezes, why didn't I think of that? Thanks a're the best
Layout 2014 not responding
I have created a document in layout with 16 pages. As of last week i had no issue with it, but now when i go page to page it freezes on pages 6 and moves no further. All links are up to date. I tried going backward but was only able to go 3 or 4 pages then it freezes again. Would appreciate some help in fixing this or else i would have to go create the document a second time and it took me awhile to do the first one.
Import pdf into sketchup
Oh Sketchup, when will we be able to import pdf's.....Im working on a very large project with lots of text in Autocad...I export it to a pdf then to an image file to be placed in sketchup so I may type over the text instead of going back and forth between sketchup and cad. but when I scale the image to match the imported cad file I can't see jack....
RE: Model Sync
The Nick Sonder youtube video is a great....thanks for pointing it out. I still think the should be a sync plugin...
Model Sync
I think it would be very useful if there was a way to sync between two or more instances of a sketchup model. For instance, when designing a house, one should be able to make various copies of the same model and use each one for a different purpose like, one for just modelling, one for setting scene tabs to be exported to layout for working drawings or presentation drawings and another for setting up a walk through animation video. If this can be done one can continue working with the modelling instance and all the models can be synced when changes are made to the actual model without affecting the already set scenes in the other instances.
The scenes i use for my animations are not necessarily the same as what i use drawings, so i have to make different copies for that purpose. But if i make a change in one i have to go back and make the same changes in the other copies.
Maybe there is a better solution to handle this but it would be cool to make changes in one model and know it would be made in other....less time consumption, smaller model sizes due to less scene tabs....just easier to me -
RE: [Plugin] RichSection V0.5.8 UPDATED march 2015
Cant get it to work like in the just works as sketchup native section cut, also sketchup crashed a few times (bugsplat)....but i love the intention. It would save me the time to go put in hatches in my layout documents