I have to say I use may other rubys and nothing compares to Whaat's "subdivide and smooth"!
I do not mean to take away from other ruby's, all of them are great! It is just that Whaat's ruby will change the way people model within Sketchup.
I have to say I use may other rubys and nothing compares to Whaat's "subdivide and smooth"!
I do not mean to take away from other ruby's, all of them are great! It is just that Whaat's ruby will change the way people model within Sketchup.
Fantastic work. My only comment would be I am not so sure of the trees at the door. I think they (due to size) take away from the entry. Other than that this is some of the best watercolor I have seen in quite some time.
This is very cool. One thing that does stand out is the texturing of the beams. If that was fixed this would be much more realistic. Other than that this is very cool work.
I am not sure if this post needs to be moved so if it does feel free to move it to a more appropriate section.
I am looking to possibly purchase google earth to be able to do better site plans for some builders and I have some questions to google earth users:
Which version do you currently use?
What are the differences between versions? (I have read the documentation but I wanted a users point of view).
Is it easy to use?
How hard is it to add buildings and move/scale them in GE?
Can other content (trees, cars, people, etc be added fairly easily?
How well does it go over with clients?
Is the cost to go to pro worth it for the ease of use?
Are there any other programs that are comparable for use?
Thanks for you time and comments,
Great looking model! The tires look great. A little more shine on the body and you are there. Did you use Vray for rendering?
Nicely done. I think that the only thing lacking is a few foreground trees. I understand that the house is the main focal point but the front is missing something.
I would be more worried about the amount of energy or locking mechanism needed for keeping those "sails" in place on a windy day.
very cool design. The base of the bridge reminds me of a fold out knife for some reason. Very nice design. It will look great rendered I am sure.
Great interiors. I think with all the food out there should be a few people milling around to add to the scene. Overall lighting is great. I think the background is growing on me especially in the new interiors. Nice low render times too. Nice work!
Nice work. I really like the green color used for the ground. It helps the white house stand out. I would get rid of the default guy in the background. He sticks out like a stalker!
Like remus said, it is fine to use low poly for things that will not be a focal point but for all else it is worth using a higher poly model to add more realism. These renders just need some more color IMO. The lighting is a bit harsh coming from the lamps too. Other than that nice work for a start.
Excellent modeling as usual! Yes, a 3dconnexion device makes modeling much easier. Nice work Ivica!
As nice as the branch is. I think it is too much a focal point and takes away from the main subject matter. Maybe bring it farther out of the scene would work better. I think it is nicely done though.
I have been in these same shoes for quite a while now and until I got my wife on board to keep track of paperwork, billing, etc. I was doing it all myself. A plugin at http://www.smustard.com that can help is called timetracker (or something like that)
It is like a punch clock to keep track of time spent on a job. I used it before and loved it. As long as you are good about using it it can be a great script for just this use. and best of all it is just a small toolbar within Sketchup.
Also, invest in some file cabinets to keep track of prints, paperwork, etc.
I think it comes down to just learning to be more disciplined in the organization of your jobs. There is other software out there that will help in this, but for me that was just another piece of software to learn when I already have enough on my plate. Also, if you have a laptop try bringing that down on the couch. I found this works because my wife finds I am still "there" and can talk to me if she needs something. Otherwise you are just stuck in an office in the house and away from the family.
Good luck.