It always amazes me what post or comments are taken to this extreme. I do not believe that Coen was trying to tick anyone off or upset anyone as I was not either. I think what was trying to be said is this is not a max, cinema 4d, or any other forum but a Sketchup forum. While I have posted work that was completely modeled in Sketchup but rendered externally the work itself was 100% modeled in sketchup.
I did not mean to "reduce rendering to hitting a button". What I am trying to say is that with programs like Vray or maxwell and many others, a person can do a very quick render that can impress someone who does not know rendering. Render programs have come a long way to making the art of rendering much easier to do. I have been rendering for quite some time and I do understand that a good render does take time and effort and does not require someone to just hit a button.
We at formfonts are very strict about modeling in Sketchup and Sketchup only. I am sure there are a few instances where texturing or a slight bit of modeling may be done with another program but for 99% of the time all of our models are modeled only in Sketchup. Many of the vehicles on the warehouse are 3ds conversions and they can be picked out by someone who knows what they are looking for in a second or two. By the way amazing work on the penthouse you did. That is a great example of the raw power of Sketchup in talented hands.
Best regards,