Well the good thing is you are back up and running.
Well the good thing is you are back up and running.
I also have had this happen but as said earlier, this will have no effect (that I have found) to the final product. Even during rendering the skylights render fine.
Thanks Eric. It helps when you have a nice size collection of models
Thanks Daniel. It was a one day deadline with specific views needed. I will shot some others soon though.
Still a bit scary engineering wise but better none the less. I am wondering on the elevator system that will be used for the top floor? If all elevators would come through the only vertical tower then I have a feeling there will be some evacuation issues.
It may be the complexity of the scene also. I have had artlantis 1.2 and 2 crash on complex scenes when trying to move an object in 2D. I alos would suggest reloading an older version of the file and try that. I know it is not what you want to hear but it may be the only alternative.
These were done for a non-profit in Detroit. They are looking to take over this building and wanted some street view images. I needed to get their logo in as much as possible without it being overly obvious.
Comments are welcome.
Best regards,
I love the first render. Great first time work. The second needs more in it. Maybe a window or two. Right now it looks more like a display one would see in a store. Overall nice work and keep it going.
Really Nice. My only comment would be that the background looks a bit faded. Other than that the lighting is great!
I like it but it does look more like a shady movie theatre than a hospital
I love the design concept. It reminds me of the stacked architecture in Greece (only these are not white:)
The more I look at this building the more it gives a real peaceful feeling. Maybe a little more detail to the scene (trees, shrubs, people, etc) and it would be a stand out.
Nice work.
Good eye Coen.
One of the best features of maxwell without a doubt. Makes the heavy price somewhat worth it.
Well let us know how you come long with it. The workflow between sketchup and Maxwell is actually quite nice. Especially being able to set up maxwell materials directly in Sketchup is a real plus.
I could not agree with fred more about you possibly doing some video tutorials. I think many people would love to be able to see how you do alot of the things we see from you. Maybe even some podium video tutorials too.
Great work on the bird by the way.
you should be able to just register and then have access to the forum. I have had Maxwell since the beta (which has worse than terrible). I say I have "had it" because I have not used it hardly at all. I really need to as my wife keeps reminding me of all the money I waste on software I never use but "had to have". Also, check out the MXM gallery. They have great pre-built materials that will save you alot of time.
Great work as usual. You can almost hear the sea. You captured a real feel of motion in the waves.
I would love to be able to help beta test this if that is an option. Feel free to PM me if needed. Great work by the way!!!! I think I can speak for everyone when I say I am extremely excited to see this work.
Best regards,