A new version is available, 1.3.2.
- Add macOS support. Test n' report.
- Add 2 new materials in PBR library.
A new version is available, 1.3.2.
I understand now. Thanks for the trick!
@filibis said:
@samuel_t said:
- Plugin comes with a tiny PBR materials library. Donate to make it grow!
Take a look at these websites for free (CC0) textures: Pixel-Furnace, CC0Textures, freepbr. You can provide link to these sites maybe?
Hello filibis, thanks a lot for these links.
@filibis said:
I think you should indicate that we need to open a collection to use PBR materials you provided. People may not find PBR folder you generated easily.
I added following sentence in official README:
Additionally, you should have a new "PBR" materials collection in "Materials" tray. Enjoy!
@filibis said:
In addition to 'saving, opening and creating' a model, when we "apply all changes" in the PBR material editor, Chromium pops-up and updates the view as well.
You are right. I forgot to mention this case.
@filibis said:
HDR images working fine Can we rotate them somehow? That would be cool
I don't understand. You want to rotate HDRi?
@jql said:
Thea has viewport rendering which, for single monitors brings sketchup to life. Your plugin, as it is realtime, would be amazing with viewport rendering.
Yeah. There is an expensive workaround: to buy several monitors. More seriously, I will try to find a way to synchronize PBR Viewport with SketchUp.
Thank you for your idea.
Overlay feature request is out of my skills for now. Maybe another dev can, since code is open-source.
@nlipovac said:
Right like that JQL, I am quite impressed by this plugin and like to Blender is Eevee this would be a great plugin for SU if it would be implemented as an overlay to SU.
By "overlay", you mean a top window a bit like PBR Material Editor? Fullscreen or splitscreen?
@nlipovac said:
Hi, I have one question.
What is stopping you in developing this plugin as synced rendering plugin for Sketchup (or maybe as an overlay to SU window)? Is this far-fetched for me to think like this?
At dev. beginning, I've thinked about a PBR Viewport synced with SketchUp...
That implies using internal browser but external browser is more up-to-date.
Next PBR plugin version will include a (micro) library of royalty-free PBR materials.
These will be available in "Materials" tray. Render-example with "Wooden Palisade 01":
This should allow new users of plugin to become familiar with PBR materials.
Good news! PBR plugin becomes really handy with the new version (1.3.0).
As part of an update, remember to disable plugin before uninstalling-reinstalling it.
@jql said:
It's easier for most users to have a separated roughness and metallic maps as they are very common, instead of the metallic-roughness map required by the plugin. [...] is there any chance the separated maps could be implemeted?
~~I agree it's easier but it's not so much long to pack metallic and roughness maps in third-party software. For example, it takes less than one minute in Photoshop following these instructions:
Update: Since PBR plugin v1.3.0, Metallic and Roughness maps are separated in PBR Material Editor.
@jql said:
Also, I found you removed support for emissive materials, which would be a shame, as I use them for all my lighting applications in Thea for Sketchup and would find them cool to test on this pbr plugin.
Today, I think it's better to implement glTF KHR_lights extension. So PBR plugin users could:
@ashreves said:
I get this same error, but I'm not on a network drive, and I'm just hitting the save button (not saving to another location and this happens. I've got backup upon backup in the same folder, and usually adds to the 0 extension (0-0 / 0-0-0...).
I had same error (CFileException 0) but since I run SketchUp as admin, this error is gone!
@dawrightau said:
NB for any other frustrated sketchup users wanting to export models from Sketchup tp blender for any reason try the 3ds export. It has worked best for me.
You should try this combo:
@jql said:
I did what you suggested. Erased the pbr plugin and folder from my appdata's plugins folder, restarted everything and installed, following all your suggestions.
Still no good with 1.2.5:
Hi JQL, please follow these new instructions:
cd %~dp0 && cd Web Server
by this line:
cd /d "%~dp0%Web Server"
@jql said:
The problem is that a sketchup material hasn't got a direct link to textures residing on disk. So, if I change a texture like color, normal or metal-roughness map, it won't refresh. Or, will it?
No. Texture is embedded. You must update manually SketchUp material if you change texture on disk.
Linking textures can produce late errors like "missing file". I will think on this.
I'm very happy to announce release of v1.2.5.
Control camera with a standard gamepad in Viewport.
Plug. Move with left stick/pad. Look around with right stick.
It works with Microsoft Xbox One controller. Tell me if it works with other controllers
Normal map scale (strength) renders in Viewport.
As part of an update, remember to disable plugin before uninstalling-reinstalling it.
@filibis said:
Hi Samuel, interesting plugin, nice to see PBR and Gltf related extensions
Hi Filibis Thanks for your interest in this plugin.
@filibis said:
But i couldn't operate normal map.
Normal map must be set in PBR Material Editor. Does this info helps you enough?
@filibis said:
And didn't understand where you put those 2 'base color' textures you provided.
Reef demo model is made of two faces, two materials and three textures:
Sea normal map texture is set on Sea material in PBR Material Editor.
Sea base color texture is set on Sea material in Materials Tray.
Sea material is applied to Sea face.
Undersea base color texture is set on Undersea material in Materials Tray.
Undersea material is applied to Undersea face.
@filibis said:
Also that would be great if you let normal map strength to be adjusted and option to add metallic & roughness maps as well if possible.
I see no problem about adding Normal map scale (strength) in PBR Material Editor.
Update: Since PBR plugin v1.2.5, normal map strength is editable and rendered
Metallic and roughness maps must be packed in one map. So it's not easy for user...
Update: Since PBR plugin v1.2.4, metallic-roughness (packed) map is supported
@jql said:
I'm afk today (phone here) but I'm on win10 and I have checked before that the nginx.exe file was there, though I don't know if that was the exact path.
If problem persists: consider opening an issue here.
@jql said:
Also, I found you removed support for emissive materials, which would be a shame, as I use them for all my lighting applications in Thea for Sketchup and would find them cool to test on this pbr plugin.
I opened an issue for this: Emissive materials don't glow. It would be great if a GLSL expert could help.