How to handle forum withdrawal symtoms?
Jeez, your girlfriend/wife is called Candy?
I'm one ahead, quit smoking April 2007. I'll spend some more time on exploring the ultimate interactive program - reality.
As a matter of interest Tom, how much do you smoke a day and how much tar / nicotine do the ciggy's contain?
What I did was to first change brands up to the point where there was no cigarette on the market with less nicotine and tar. Then I changed my smoking habit so that I wouldn't light up before 11am; I accidentally discovered that I smoke less (less of a craving to smoke) if I light my first no earlier than 11am. Following this I reduced the amount of cigarettes I smoke a day until I was down to something in the region of 7, I then quit abruptly. Cold turkey. First week / month wasn't great, but my weaning process allowed me to handle it better.
I will spend the weekend finishing a freelance SU project......that and curled up in a fetal position in the corner.
Julian, thanks: been there, done that...more than once! It'll be COLD TURKEY with a mantra of "smoking is not an option" (hope I don't hurt anyone :`)
Candy sounds good...only in my case it would be another name: an occasional voice from a distant land I've never seen in person (only been described to me by a fellow DOM
Tom, I am surprised you started this topic. I was sure it would be remus.
I guess I lost my bet in the moderator pool -
It's a different kind of jones that prompts my posting.
Maybe this will help you with your quest this weekend Tom.
@unknownuser said:
Tom, I am surprised you started this topic. I was sure it would be remus.
I guess I lost my bet in the moderator poolI was thinking about it, if thats any consolation. But in the end i just went for a bike ride, much more fun.
Eric: nice pic!
My jones: this place has become a big chunk of my soul's'll be like fasting for three days. Not a bad thing, I suppose, but not easy.
I quit 4 1/2 years ago after smoking 1 1/2 packs a day for 15 years. Cold turkey was the best way for me. I found I had to say "I quit" in order to be successful. Every time I said "I am trying to quit" it was giving me the option to fail therefore giving my self an excuss when I did fail.
I also quit cold turkey, I gave up alcohol at the same time (only for a year or so), but although it was really tough giving up both simultaneously I think not drinking made it MUCH easier to keep off the cigarettes. It's consistent with a lot of theories on addiction that much of it is associated with other behaviour, settings and people- the more you can avoid those other factors (even temporarily) the lower your chance of giving in to temptation.
Quitting smoking was probably the smartest thing I ever did, I'm genuinely grateful that I am still finally free of the bloody things. Don't believe what they say about saving money though- I still don't know where it goes!
Best of luck!