@kimi kimi said:
Yeah man, what's up with these material, scenes and layers palletes? We need those better. And we need everything else otb mentioned.
I second that motion! Just want to add extra notes to the following:
- "Export to 2D" features
-please make scenes tickable /selectable! I have 100++ scenes, there should be a tickable box or better the shift+drag mouse+click scenes that you only wanna export, that would really be handy, just like how you select items in windows/Sketchup environment, you highlight them and drag them, shift click to add/remove, etc.. that kind of gestures. Right now I am just using a paid plugin from Smustard, really helpful but it's one click per scene only, still very manual selection, author hasn't updated it.
- Scenes
-option to batch rename, reorder, reorganize, group, Shift+Click to select and drag to position you want, shift+click to unselect..etc.. these kind of gestures that's normally used in Windows environment. Just like how a Photoshop layers behave. Our hands are used to this pattern already. Sketchup should catch up.
- Layers
-similar to CAD or Photoshop, very easy to manage & organize, an idiot proof approach
I've been using Sketchup since version 7, now there'd been upgrades on features but these panels hasn't received notable updates! Skethup 2018 developers, kindly look at these areas. Thanks!