@oneturboneeded said:
Ok now i have my 4 groups extruded by rails how do i combine into one group eliminate the lines between groups and smooth? Im just getting lazy now that you are all so helpful and guide me strait to the right operation but im learning lots thanks.
Select the 4 groups [hold down Ctrl to add to a selection, Ctrl+Shift to remove from selection and Shift to toggle in/out of selection!]
Self right-click context-menu 'Explode'.
Everything remains selected, immediately right-click context-menu 'Group'.
Everything is now in one group.
Select that group and right-click context-menu 'Smooth' - adjust the settings in the dialog that opens so it's smoothed.
If there are an edges that won't edit the group and smooth using Erase+Ctrl OR if that fails hide them using Erase+Shift...
As you have only made a 'half' you can them copy the group to one side ans Scale it -1 about Y/green so it flips.
Move the two groups so they snap together correctly, when you are happy Select both groups and Explode, re-Group, and re-Smooth as before.......