Here is the reduced code to export scenes in one go as single images with transparent background. This is not a plugin.
Important: Disable Scene Transition, name scenes properly, switch off sky and floor in the SketchUp style used, include the scenes to be exported in the animation
Copy the code to the Ruby console and press Enter
The images end up in the directory where the model is stored.
Sources for code snippets: the above mentioned free plugins from Thomas Thomassen (thomthom) and Rick Wilson
model = Sketchup.active_model
pages = model.pages
original_page = pages.selected_page
model.start_operation "ExportScenes"
path = (model.path.sub(/.skp/," - "))
pages.each do |page|
pname = path+(".png"
Sketchup.set_status_text("Writing #{pname}")
pages.selected_page = page
options = {
;filename => pname,
;width => 1920,
;height => 1080,
;antialias => true,
;compression => 0.9,
;transparent => true
pages.selected_page = original_page
Unfortunately, the exporter does not work for my purpose, the export of hidden line stiles on a completely transparent viewport. For this I would have to be able to make a Color (White)transparent before exporting. But luckily there are video editing programs that can be used to overlay animations in different styles.