Alright guys, I've taken on board pretty much all of Massimo's feedback (this thread will forever be known as 'bulbgate'!). I studied countless bulbs, and their reflections etc. to try and get a similar photo-real look in my render. Interestingly, these bulbs in real life, have a reflection of the filament. They look like little flames. I wasn't able to get this look with my original render but when I tweaked the material settings I DID get this effect. A testament to the accuracy of unbiased rendering engines? Absolutely!
This is the original render, pre-bulbgate.

I'm not sure why this happens, but every single time I upload images onto this forum the image quality reduces. No matter what method I use to save it. If anyone can shed any light (pardon the pun), on this for me. I'd be very grateful.
After changing the angle, cleaning up image to reduce noise, improving the bulb material settings and adding 'dirt' and inconsistencies to the brass fitting, this is how it looks now. I guess you need to click on it to get a better look. As I said, I'm having weird upload problems. What's annoying me though, is that the image is blown up way too big for the original resolution too (when you click on it).

Anyway, I'm feeling much better about the new and improved image. Thanks for your input, Massimo.