Thanks for sharing. Great plugin.
@massimo said:
Have you pressed "F4" before you used the bend tool on your shape? This will let you to obtain a smooth curved bend.
Thank you Massimo. I got it. F4-key was the right way.
@gaieus said:
My bad - sorry for the misleading info
No problem Gaieus.
@Remus I have made a group, selected this and then I use the radial blend tool at the top of my mesh (in the middle of the top-surface), but it doesn't work. It is totally deformed. If I use the tool around one of the corners, it does nothing.
Can you mark the point in my attachment, where I must use the radial blend tool?
@unknownuser said:
Processing !
and "Open Source" so you can use any works, modify,...etc drawing, 3D, Images, sound, videos, interaction!
Thank you for your suggestion. This is a really funny tool. Today I draw my new website-logo (a simple bee) with processing.
It's very interesting to learn coding with a tool like this. I guess, I will order the book of Ira Greenberg about processing.
It is similar to Adobe Macromedia Flash. Also a great feature is adding OpenGL-Libraries. This makes scenes and animations very smooth.
@remus said:
Heres a quick go using the bend tool in fred06's fredoscale plugin.
Make wave
[attachment=1:8kpf8z01]<!-- ia1 -->wave1.jpg<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:8kpf8z01]Use bend
[attachment=0:8kpf8z01]<!-- ia0 -->wave2.jpg<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:8kpf8z01]
Hi Remus,
how do you do that? I downloaded fredos scale plugin and there is an option "Radial Bending (free). What must I select to get this nice curve?
@gaieus said:
Cool, glad it helped.
And cool balloon, too, in your avatar!
Thanks. I will show you here in this thread my ballon-pic.
@gaieus said:
... (ah, maybe this is what you mean; you can unhide hidden geometry by clicking on View > Hidden geometry) ...
Gaieus, this was exactly what I mean. Thank you very very much. Now I can edit my sphere. Big thanks to you.
@gaieus said:
You start with high poly circles. You cannot edit the circle entity after using the follow me tool on it as it will explode the circle.
To draw a circle with your custom segment number, start drawing it, type the number followed by an S (like 96s) and hit enter. From now on, in your model, during that session, all new circles will have this segment count until you change it again so you don1t even need to do it for the vertical circle (for the sphere).
You are really fast.
I know this technique, but in google warehouse I found spheres with faces, which are fully editable. This spheres you could transform. My sphere cannot be transformed. I want to draw a ballon. The problem with the warehouse-spheres is, that the number of the segments is very low.
Your world sphere in google warehouse must have faces, because you must selected the faces for your textures. How do you do that? How do you create this sphere?
@gaieus said:
Note that the image is high resolution enough for SU and in addition, I made the sphere with 96 segments (instead of the default 24) to make it really smooth and test the plugin so it's rather high poly and heavy.
How can I create a sphere, which I can transform after creation? So far I use the "normal way" to create a sphere:
Drawing a circle (horizontal), then drawing another circle (vertical), selecting the horizontal and then follow the vertical. After this I get in wireframe-mode only to circles and I can't edit my sphere.
first of all, I'm using sketchup since 1,5 years and I'm thinking, it's a great 3D-editing-app.
I only have one problem. In sketchup it is possible to put textures or images as textures on curved-based meshes or faces. Then the texture will be repeat on x/y axes. How can I deactivate this automatic repeat? In a simple test (please have a look at the attachment) I setup a scene with a uvsphere. On the sphere my texture shouldn't repeat. How can I change this?