Ok, thanks! Well, in the newest version, which I'm using, it measures, resizes and creates guidelines in both modes. The only difference that I can see is that it only creates guide points in the second mode.
Maybe think about the example Box gave. You might use the same interior door on every doorway throughout a house such as this one:
[image: WWBF_Screenshot-3_12_20226_49_30PM.png]
They all have the same definition which includes the Definition Name of TS6080 TruStile. One has an instance name of Bedroom 1 Door, another Bedroom 2 Door, and a third, Bathrom door.
It should be in View>Toolbars. What version of SketchUp are you using? You're profile says you are using 2016. If you are using a newer version you may need to turn on the Dynamic Components in the Extension Manager first.