@Mike - Seen this review? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ws7S5lXw7zk
RE: Sticking with my Macbook Pro for the foreseeable future!
@slbaumgartner said:
...I'd much rather have a thicker, heavier MBP with more ports and a larger battery than a fashion-conscious paper-thin wafer!
incoming rant:
I don't understand the current focus, by hardware manufacturers, on paper thin machines. Sure its nice for web browsing at home or light business use.
But for people who use the laptop to get things done and who need more power, there's not that much choice - even on Windows - or you must spend almost double the money for getting slighty better specs.
You want a powerful HQ Cpu, a 1060 Gpu, plenty of ports for hooking up your machine at your client? Well you better fancy bright red colors and an obnoxious gamerz-lololol-styled machine and crappy (non ips) display because gaming machines are the only choice (Dell/HP/Lenovo/Asus/MSI).
One alternative is you go for way more expensive, and less powerful, quadro based machines but that doubles the price (HP ..book).
The other alternative I'm thinking about more now is getting an ok laptop with lesser gpu and use an eGpu connected to the laptop when you need the extra power (VR).
I almost thought I finally found an ok machine for this scenario (the new xps15 with 1050 gpu) - turns out Dell/Intel has crippled the TB3 connection (in half) so you will get a big loss in eGpu speed again...So hardware developers: stop with the paper thin race. Make us a powerful business styled laptop again with plenty of ports. I would gladly take the extra needed weight and height.
RE: Create a Inflatable Greenhouse Wall
I would do this using Curviloft by Fredo. That way you can easily control all the cross sections, contours etc and let the plugin do the work for you.
http://sketchucation.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=28586 -
RE: Sketchup with georeferenced data
Using large coordinates is a nightmare in most of the 3d programs and SketchUp is no exception. Clipping issues, z-fighting issues guaranteed.
The only solution (that I know of) is to use a fixed translation (just write it down somewhere) for your project. Maybe your GIS app can do it for you already when exporting? Otherwise you have to do it in SketchUp yourself. Most of the time I just load the new parts in a separate SketchUp file, do the translation and then copy past it into the main file.
edit: typo -
RE: Is there some free point clouds support engine?
@rich o brien said:
Doesn't Trimble have a Point Cloud extension?
yes but (as far as I know) it only works for clouds from their own brand laser scanners.
RE: Is there some free point clouds support engine?
I tried importing terrain pointclouds a year ago but several plugins failed due to the large number of points. I ended up opening the data in Meshlab, create a mesh and export as dxf to sketchup.
RE: Poor text output from Layout
Text looks fine to me. Maybe share a pic with the issue as well?
Could be some pdf problem in your viewer?
RE: Poor text output from Layout
Maybe you can share a small LO file? I'm on Windows as well an my text is sharp and without any jaggies.
You're on Win and SU2016 (profile is correct?) -
RE: Trays and their usefulness
I dislike the trays as well. I could like them IF:
- the shortcut key-toggle would be an actual toggle: open one tray closes the others.
- the shortcut key-toggle work for the pinned side-trays as well: open=open and no autohide (also real toggle so open one side-tray closes all others).
- there were Ruby methods to control the trays (read if open, open/close etc). That way you could fine-tune the behavior yourself
- the trays could be a bit more space efficient - at the moment there's some wasted space (entity info).
RE: Dell's Canvas 27
Dell's Canvas looks like to be inspired by Microsoft's Surface Studio or...?
RE: CleanUp - Time Required
I think the Goldilocks plugin reports texture sizes as well. Haven't used it recently though
RE: Add icon to plugin
I think you need some extra lines to actually show your toolbar:
require 'Sketchup' filename=File.basename(__FILE__) if not file_loaded?(filename) UI.menu('Plugins').add_item('Container creator') { JGV_FVC3.container_creator() } end #Toolbar test if !file_loaded?("Container.rb") #Container creator toolbar FV_project_tb = UI;;Toolbar.new("FV JGV") #Container creator command cmd3 = UI;;Command.new(("Container creator")) { JGV_FVC3.container_creator() } cmd3.small_icon = "containersmall.png" cmd3.large_icon = "containerbig.png" cmd3.tooltip = "Inserts a container" FV_project_tb.add_item(cmd3) if FV_project_tb.get_last_state==TB_NEVER_SHOWN FV_project_tb.show elsif FV_project_tb.get_last_state==TB_VISIBLE FV_project_tb.restore end end #End Toolbar test file_loaded(filename)
RE: Bloody Hell $695 and then maintenance fee
Its not free indeed but have you looked at the prices of the usual cad software.... (revit/archicad/...) ?
RE: Microsoft Surface Book and Sketchup
Anyone already tested SketchUp with the new SurfaceBook & performance base?
RE: A few thoughts about the future of this planet
Until shit really hits the fan - nothing big will change I'm afraid. Only after it's too late and the people in general are getting convinced there's a big problem, the politicians will dare to propose a more simple life and take real action.
Getting a kitten can't hurt either I think...
ps Happy birthday!
RE: GTX 1060 performance?
@eidam655 said:
Could you please try enabling the integrated graphics card and see what happens?
I'm sorry but the card is in a desktop that I use for work and I'm already on a very tight schedule. Even if there's only a very slight chance that something could go wrong - I really can't risk loosing a few hours if the gfx settings in Windows do get messed up... Sorry.
Isn't there an MSI forum where you can post and see if more people are having problems with that laptop?
RE: GTX 1060 performance?
@eidam655 said:
@kaas, what CPU do you have? do you switch dynamically between the integrated & dedicated GPUs?
I have a i5-3570 and the embedded gpu of that chip is disabled in the bios. I'm always running on the gtx1060.
RE: GTX 1060 performance?
sounds like a strange driver issue. I have the same gfx chip in a desktop and it seems to work fine. No laggies with my models although they hardly ever exceed 50Mb.