Hello guys!! I hope I can get some help here...
Well, after making a model for a university work, I tried to test some renders with vray inside sketchup! I then found a hge problem I really cant solve.
As you can see on the picture, the render was made inside an apartment, without any artificial lights. Even with so many glass doors and windows, I couldnt get the image so be brighter that the example I am sending. I tried many things, and checked all the details I knew about that could make some difference, but none did.
The glasses faces are all correctly oriented; the GI skylight is at 300 (tried from 3 to 300, and it doesnt seen to be any difference between 30 and 300!).
I really wanted to get an image without any artificial ilumination, and that simulated the space as if it was like midday or something. I know I could remove the roof and there would be plenty of light, but I really wnat to avoid that because I am planing on doing details on the roof I want to show, and I also donty like the shadow results without it, that kinda show that the place received direct ilumination from above.
So what should I do to get a brighter place, as if that was a picture as bright as a place like that can be at midday, without turning on the lights...? I know it would be brighter than the result I got.
Please help me finding any common mistakes and making standart smart set ups that help this kind of problem!
And thanks a lot for the time and attention!!
Joao rsm.