@cadfather said:
check out the new orbit tool icon.. you don't even have to press the mouse wheel..
You mean this one ?
Oh wait...
@cadfather said:
check out the new orbit tool icon.. you don't even have to press the mouse wheel..
You mean this one ?
Oh wait...
@unknownuser said:
Are we going to see a list of what is new soon?
Yeah... Because for now, I see new icons (bigger, actually, so you have less space for toolbars), and a new toolbars window (Which is pretty cool). And that's it !
I hope there are perf improvements, and hopefuly API updates like you say.
Did you try the ply2vrmesh utility ?
@unknownuser said:
I should note that I have been using Onyx Tree and exporting OBJ and converting to meshes right from the ply2vrmesh utility that comes with VR4SU. It lives in the Start / Chaos/ Tools menu.
No, but you have to be licensed to download vismats on ChaosGroup's website.
@jpalm32 said:
No name, WEB site, no location, NEVER a display of his work, ..
So we can't criticize someone's work unless we do better ?
Next time you see a bad movie, don't you dare criticize it before making a better one !
Mak sure you keep a bitmap in the diffuse slot, otherwise you'll lose the UV mapping.
A bitmap with the same gray color you want, but with the same size as your bump map.
It helps :
Hmm, so a class variable in a class ? That makes sense ^^
Thanks for the tip, I'll try that.
Ok, here is a new version.
Still no saving, I'm getting used to ruby before attacking this big piece.
Also, I can't get my WebDialog callbacks to work if the dialog is not in a global variable. I tried local, instance, and class variables, nothing works. What am I doing wrong ?
@high_viz said:
Then I tried sketchyphysics to get items to drop naturally, but I had similar problems with this also. The sweets just hit the level of the top edge of the jar and wouldnt go in
That's because your jar is a concave object. I haven't use this plugin in a while, but I think you need to convert it to a convexhull or something like that.
If I understand ruby classes correctly, I have to rewrite the code, right ?
I can't have something like layer.delete()
while keeping it in my own namespace. Am I right ?
@thomthom said:
The snippet that modified Sketchup::Layer
Ho, ok. I assumed TIG's work was clean. But this snippet is actually 4 years old, I guess he wasn't aware of that back then.
Thanks !
@jiminy-billy-bob said:
What's NOT working :
[list][*]From ruby to WebDialog : Real-time rename layer, hide/show layer. Due to limitations of the LayersObserver. I'll need to detect changes either when the webdialog gets focus (But you won't have real-time visual feedback), or every xxx ms.
Actually, it may work. Not with the LayersObserver, but with the EntityObserver, which detects hide/show and rename events.
Thanks a lot TT for your answers and advice ! I'll take a look at all of this.
@thomthom said:
Safest thing is to keep everything in your own namespace.
It thought I did. Can you show what piece of code is wrong ?
@thomthom said:
(note I flipped the quotes)
Is there a reason for that ? It's better that way ?
Do you want to be able to sort and nest the Layer0 like any other layer ? Currently, I made it to stay at the stop, but I can make an option for that if people want to, so you would be able to choose Layer0 behaviour.