Thanks for the tip. The result did not change a whole lot though:
Skærmbillede 2011-06-06 kl. 12.06.37.png
I also tried with the sketchup method you linked to and got the following map:
(same result)
I wonder if there is some setting to the gradient i need to change so it will create the "valley" after the top ledge. It seems like it gets where the ledge drops down fine, but then it just boost right up even though the gradient indicates otherwise?
Maybe this is just not meant to happen. I tried to just paint an eco system on the mesh instead as the mesh is pretty detailed and okay as it is i guess. But it does not place the plant on to the mesh directly but some what under it, so only the top of the trees stick through. At the top of the terrain its okay, but on slopes and such its messy + i cant paint on certain places?
Im gonna lay a bit low with all these basic questions, its only because of the time left of this project im asking to save time. Hope it is okay.