Hi cuttinedge, hi folks.
See this SU file for ideas.
Hi cuttinedge, hi folks.
See this SU file for ideas.
Hi folks.
I had the same problem once.
I was lucky that the walls where thick enough so that the part of the tiles going under the wall was not protruding on the other side of it. I simply did nothing since it had no impact on the rendering.
In another model, that I did to help an architect, I had to lay pavers that were adjacent to a curving wall. Of course, I could have intersected a copy of the curve on the pavers, going inside each component context, after making each one unique and then trimmed the paver to match the curve of the wall but it would habe been a lot of work. Add to that that the architect was changing is mind often and so the wall was changing position and curvature often. This would have mean to do this many times.
Instead, I simply use a fairly generous rectangular patch of pavers, many of them going under the wall. This project did not require walls with thickness and the required views were all from ouside, so, the pavers parts that were protruding inside the building were of no importance.
Just ideas.
Hi Gilles, hi folks.
Very clever.
Best regards.
Hi SU fly, hi folks.
As explained by Gaieus, you must plan the camera path carefully.
See this SU file for ideas.
Hi Mick, hi folks.
I though about that helical path that goes around the torus and got these ideas:
1 - As it goes around, the path rotates two full turns around the torus.
2 - As it goes around, the path starts on the top, then goes inside and down and then outside and up. This is done twice. Each of these lateral movements, one from inside to outside and vice versa and the other one up and down, are like sinusoidal curves.
3 - Add to this the fact that, when using the Follow me tool, the path rotates about two axes at the same time, which produces a rotation around the third axis.
4 - I still need to figure out the orientation of the circular facet after it completes its two rotation to see by how much it actually rotates and what is the needed correction to have it register perfectly after two turns.
5 - I will also try the Follow me and keep plugin to see if I can have a solid group without any more interventions.
6 - I will try to set the small circular facet on the midpoint of a sement of the path instead of on an endpoint. This should works.
Just ideas.
Hi folks.
I presume that you set scene delay to 0. Otherwise, the animation will stop at each scene possibly producing a less fluid result.
Just ideas.
Hi Mick, hi folks.
There is probably one. when I have a few spare minutes, I will investigate this.
In the meantime, I would suggest trying the plugin Follow me and keep to check the concept.
Just ideas.
J'ai eu le même problème.
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Les programmeurs sont conscient du problème et essaient de trouver une solution.
Entre temps, j'ai lu que certaines personnes ont installé AdBlock et ensuite, dans Adblock, autorisé les bannières pour SketchUcation. Cela semble fonctionner.
De toute façon, je vous tiens au courant des développements.
Bonjour Pilou.
Si tu utilise, comme moi, des cercles avec 24 segments, ta sphère devrait avoir le même nombre de segments et de faces que la mienne, soit 552 arêtes et 288 faces.
Il faut faire attention de ne pas compter les arêtes et les faces dans mon fichier didacticiel car j'y ai mis plusieurs copies des cercles et de la sphère pour illustrer mon propos.
Voir aussi le fichier SU suivant pour un truc pouvant simplifer la vie en évitant la supression des arêtes superflues montrées dans ton exemple.
Sphère 2.skp
Bonjour Ciscoo.
Vu que ta question ne concerne pas vraiment le sujet de ce fil de discussion, tu aura plus de chance si tu démarre un autre fil.
Autrement, ta question et les réponses éventuelles risquent d'être perdue au fond de ce fil.
Mais, bref, voir le fichier SketchUp (SU) suivant pour une idée de création de sphères.
Au fait, si tu lis l'aide en ligne, accessible à partir du menu aide de SketchUp, et que tu tape sphère dans la case de recherche, tu trouvera cet article:
Hi Ben, hi folks.
It may prove to be simpler to do it all using SketchUp. Doing this simple design might prove a good way to learn the software. In the following example, I used the default 24 segments for circles and ellipses and 12 segments for arcs. Using more may yield a better result. The completed figure comprise 1608 edges. Using something like 96 edges for the larger circles would set the count to 1896 which is not much. Even quadrupling everything from this value would yield 7584 edges (circles and ellipses with 384 segments and arcs with 48 segments). Maybe this would be OK for CNC machines.
See this SU file for ideas.
Hi Malgass, hi folks.
See these web pages:
Of course, therer are much more if you search the web with bend allowanceor bending allowance, for example.
Just ideas.
When I talk to a person I tell them that according to the rules stated on the CRTC (Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission), they mey be charged a fine ranging from 1500 $ to 15000 $ for each offense, they rarely insist and even more rarely call again.
When I hear an automated messaging system, I wait for the message to finish and when I get the number to call back, I do and tell them the same about the fines. Needless to write, they also don't call back.
In the last few years, I received at most five such calls per year on average and these are from autorized company or agencies. Usually, I tell them that I am not interested and to put my number on their own exclusion list. So far it works well.
Just ideas.
Hi cuttingedge, hi folks.
See this SU file for ideas if you want to practice with SU's native tools.
Hi Kaja9, hi folks.
Can you post a model that is causing problems ?
Without seing it, it is very difficult to find the problem.
Just ideas.
Hi Frederico, hi folks.
You can use SketchUp (SU) to export in STL format. STL is used by some CNC machines.
To export to STL, you will need a plugin (free). Search the Plugin sub-forum here on SketchUcation for SU2STL.
But first, I suggest that you take a few hours to view the excellent video tutorials on SU's web site. You can access these from the Help menu directly from within SU.
Once you are familiarized with the modeling process, you can then download the SU2STL plugin and try exporting files in STL format.
Have fun and welcome to SketchUcation.
Hi folks.
There is more than a straight line that can be used to close a face from ends of arcs. This simplify works by avoiding unnecessary intersections. See this SU file for ideas.