Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.

RE: How to construct a funnel
RE: Draw an octagon an a Swiss keyboard
@rv1974 said:
type s for segments number: 8s
might be your case - many shortcuts are broken in the latest su build
p.s. never saw the need in this tool - circle is universalIf you push or pull a polygon, you get a polygonal prism.
If you push or pull a circle, the longitudinal edges are smoothed so you get a cylinder.
Of course, you can soften the edges of a polygonal prism to get a cylinder or unsmooth the edges of a cylinder to get a polygonal prism but this is extra work.
RE: Part of a line?
For a curve you have two choices :
1 - Use the same method as what was shown for a straight edge.
2 - Explode the curve then delete unwanted segments. Of course parts of segments can be deleted if method 1 is used.
RE: How do I set "always face camera"?
See attached image.
My SU is in French but you shall deduct the correct option.
RE: Remove softening
Show hidden geometry to reveal softened edges.
Select as much as you can with a window select.
Use the Soften/Smooth Window and then move the cursor to the leftmost position. All selected edges will be unsoftened.
RE: Off Center Reciprocal Roof Framing
I have never worked on such a roof, neither on any roof as I am a mechanical engineer specialized in piping.
My experience with SketchUp (SU) dates back from more that 15 years when SU was at version 3.0 and I always enjoy trying to solve geometric challenges.
RE: Off Center Reciprocal Roof Framing
I would guess so, and the same for the smaller circle too.
I just played around and got to create this SU file. Click in sequence on the Scenes tabs.
RE: Off Center Reciprocal Roof Framing
The base circle of the truncated cone at the axes origin is not horizontal.
Is this on purpose ?
RE: Extrude circle to rectangle
See this SU file for ideas. I used a square but it is the same with a rectangle.
RE: Figure of eight with a twist
Hi Chris, hi folks.
What do you intend to use for banding ?
Can you post a picture or is it like shown with dry vegetal fibres (bamboo ?).
RE: Purge unused materials
Hi folks.
After you have purged your file, save it as a template so the next time you start SketchUp, you will have a very lean file.
RE: Circle text
The number of segments can be correct but, if the radius of the curve is very small, each of the segments length may be below the lower limit accepted by SketchUp.
RE: [résolu] Des cadors de SWF ?
Swivel ne fonctionne pas sur Mac OS Catalina.
Elle vient peut être d'un composant que tu aurais ajouté à ton modèle en provenance d'une source externe telle que 3D Warehouse.
RE: Plantage à répétition avec Pousser-Tirer
Voir le fichier ci-joint pour quelques idées avec une plaque plus petite.
Clique en séquence sur les onglets de scènes pour examiner les diverses étapes.
Attention, SketchUp a de la difficulté à fermer une face lorsqu'une ou plusieurs de ses arêtes a moins de 1/16 pouce ou environ 1,6 mm. Avec des cercles délimités par 24 segments, chacun de ces segments fait 1,3 mm. Il est possible de modéliser plus grand par un facteur de 10x ou même 100x puis, une fois la modélisation terminée, de ramener le modèle à sa taille réelle avec l'outil Échelle avec le facteur inverse correspondant soit 0,1 ou 0,01.