Hi folks.
Unless my knowledge of English is not complete, after all French is my native language, there are 2 "i" in or****i****gin.
Thanks and best regards.
Just ideas.
Hi folks.
Unless my knowledge of English is not complete, after all French is my native language, there are 2 "i" in or****i****gin.
Thanks and best regards.
Just ideas.
Hi Paul, hi folks.
Have you tried unchecking the box labeled Preserve drawing originin the Optionsof the Import Dialog Window?
Just ideas.
J'ai essayé cette manipulation:
1 - SĂ©lectionner les deux cercles avec une fenĂȘtre de sĂ©lection ou en sĂ©lectionnat un cercle et ensuite le deuxiĂšme avec un SHIFT clic. Le cadre de sĂ©lection montre un petit cercle bleu qui correspond Ă son centre gĂ©omĂ©trique.
2 - Sélectionner la fonction d'alignement. Les deux cercles semblent toujour s'aligner sur le centre géométrique de la sélection. Bref, les deux bougent.
Ma version de Layout ets 3.0.16846.
Cliquer séquentiellement sur les onglets de scÚnes du fichier SU suivant pour quelques idées:
Hi Ralph, hi folks.
@ralphxyz said:
Hey Johnny (Jean Lemire), I hope you do not mind if I hack (reuse) your skp tutorial layout.
Of course, hack it to your heart content. You will probably find that its is very easy to create your own multi scenes tutorials from scratch. Read below.
@ralphxyz said:
Of course I'll need to learn how to add and remove tabs but that will come with usage.
Read the help about Scenes.
You can create scenes with View Menu --> Animation --> Add Scene. This will create Scene 1 with its tabon top of the model window.
Then, with a right click on this tab, you obtain a context menu allowing adding scenes, deleting the current scene, updating it, etc.
You also get an access to the Scene Manager which allows you a lot of control about many parameters.
Just ideas.
Hi Ralph, hi folks.
Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.
Hi Panji, hi folks.
Of course, plugins will save you time but, if you want to try with basic tools, click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.
Hi folks.
Apple already had a watch.
The iPod Nano previous generation, the small squarish one, could be worn as a watch. It was even possible to change the face to suits your mood.
They could revive that, add bluetooth and Wi-Fi for connectivity so no need for a cable.
Add cell phone circuitry to have a phone.
Rechargeable by induction, so no cable again.
The only problem will be the small screen and the battery life.
It may appeal to some people that have everything and just want one more gadget.
Personnaly, I have not worn a watch since a good 12 years. Why ?
I can see the time on my phone, on my computer monitor, on my oven, on my microwave, on my cable box, on my TV, averywhere at work, in the metro, etc, etc.
Just ideas.
Hi Lea, hi folks.
If you search the 3D Warehouse (3DWH) with the words art gallery, you will find a lot of results. The vast majority of them are buildings seen from the outside.
However, I found one by Tan-Jeong here:
It shows the inside floor and walls as if the ceiling has been removed. This can act as a start for you.
Of course, you can draw your own one from scratch.
Then, you can search the 3DWH with words such as 3D people, for example.
You will find a lot.
Incorporate these in the galerie.
Finally, you can import jpgfiles of you pictures and use them as textures to paint rectangles. These will become the paintings for the galerie. Observe the above mentionned model to see how its author added frames and ligthing fixtures and a few other details.
You can even search for sculpturesand after scaling them, if needed, add them inside your gallery.
Just ideas.
Hi Walter, hi folks.
I also unsoftened all edges in all the groups of your model and it looks good.
I spotted a few things that may cause problems at a later stage. See this SU file for ideas.
Hi Jericho, hi folks.
Have you tried: View Menu --> Toolbar --> Shadows?
Just ideas.
Hi Ralph, hi folks.
I suggest that you learn the basic tools before plunging into plugins, especially for what looks like a very simple task, unless I missed something.
Click in sequence on the scenes tabs of this SU file for ideas.
Hi Debarchi, hi folks.
Normally, keyboard definition is done at the Operating System level. With Windows, you have to open the Regional and Language Options Control Pannel (on Windows XP). With Windows 8, I am not sure that it is the same.
Just ideas.
Hi Irwan, hi folks.
See this site:
By Jacques Cleghorn (AKA silver_shadow) Preface by the author - "I bought this plastic model ship about 4 years ago and built it with my dad, doi
Just ideas.
Hi Danna, hi folks.
I don't know how you made it but my idea is to do it like it would be done in real life with two saw cuts.
Click in sequence on the scene tabs of this SU file for ideas.
@chri said:
@unknownuser said:
BĂ© justement en faire un PDF 3D!
Pas sûr que cela fasse toutes les fonctions demandées
Et en quoi le "viewer" normal ne répond pas à toutes les questions demandées ?
Le fait que l'on doive l'installer ?%(#0040FF)[Bonjour PILOU
Si tu donnes le fichier SKP au client , il peut alors l'ouvrir avec le programme SKETCHUP NORMAL et le "bricoler" , le modifier , se l'approprier .
Tu as donc fait une diffusion publique de ton projet .
Je voulais uniquement Ă©viter de rĂ©aliser une vidĂ©o et permettre au client de visualiser lui mĂȘme le projet .
Ton idée d'utiliser un programme de génération de PDF 3D est bonne mais je souhaitais le faire uniquement a l'aide de notre logiciel préféré.
Mon idée était plutÎt un souhait pour de futures versions de permettre des verrouillages par mot de passe pour quelques fonctions ou calques un peu comme dans EXCEL ou d'autre logiciels de dessins et de permettre ainsi des accÚs réservés ( protégés )
Cette demande de pouvoir verrouiller un modÚle a été faite depuis belle lurette par de nombreux utilisateurs.
Les programmeurs le savent.
Quand Ă savoir si un jour SU permettra cela ? Un peu comme Microsoft Word qui permet de verouiller un document avec deux niveau de mots de passe, un pour la lecture et un autre pour la lecture et l'Ă©criture.
Ă suivre.
Hi Dale, hi folks.
@dale said:
Is it the hips that are confusing?
if it were me, Since each end of the building that will become a hip could essentially be a gable,I would start with your eave overhang, and fascia depth, and knowing that a 4/12 is 18.43 degrees create gable ends first. Then Pushpull them through to intersect. This is going to be a longhand method, and since the fascia heights will vary, and we don't know the heel heights of the truss, you will have to make some assumptions, but if you start with series of gabled roofs, their intersecting geometry will solve what seems like a complex puzzle at the ridges, if you break the house up into solveable roof areas, just one at a time.
The hips are just 45 degree angles that can be created from the gables., and complexities at the eave is geometry that once you have started I believe it will become obvious what it will take to make it work.
I think this approach should work for you.
Don't forget that with SU, you don't have to use only decimal angle for slopes.
A 4:12 slope is 18.4349° (approx). It is difficult to enter the exact value that gives 4:12. However, with SU, you can enter this angle as 4:12 in the Measurement Toolbar when using the protractor to orient a guide, for example.
Just ideas.
Hi folks.
To add to Dave's post, don't forget that you can orbit, pan and zoom even in the middle of an operation.
For example, you can click to start a line, orbit to see the target where you want it and finally click on the target to finish the line.
Another example: you want to add a circle whose center is on an endpoint located in a maze of complex geometry and then extend it on another endpoint that is hideen inside another complex geometry. The procedure could be like this:
1 - Pan, orbit and zoom in on the geometry to be used to attach the center of the circle.
2 - Select the Circle Tool.
3 - Click on the required endpoint to start the circle, making sure that its orientation is correct.
4 - Zoom out, pan and orbit in order to bring the target point in view.
5 - Switch to X-Ray Mode to actually see the target point inside its enclosing geometry.
6 - Zoom in on this target point.
7 - Click on the target point to complete the circle.
8 - Turn X-Ray mode off.
Steps 1 and 2 can be reversed as can steps 4 and 5 or 5 and 6.
The best is to experiment with these facilities. After a while, you will begin to appreciate the flexibility and power of SketchUp.
Just ideas.
Hi CactusMatt, hi folks.
I suggest that you take the time to view the video tutorials to get acquainted with SketchUp (SU).
It is more capable than you think in making this very simple design.
Believe me, the few hours taken in viewing these videos will save you a lot more hours of frustration when using SU.
In the mean time, here is a reconstitution of your pannel, using some assumptions. Click on the scene tabs of this SU file for ideas.
Panel-Loc extrusion profile - JL.skp
If you save only the final extruded panel, you will see that the size of the resulting file is 20K.
Best regards.