Hello JQL,
Just post a new version that correct all bugs you had.
Updates are :
Corrected : When clicking on model to component within groups, component was not shown
Corrected : When selecting multiple item in the list make all the list outlined
Corrected : Components without extension are now managed ok.
Optimized : Click on a group in the model then group is also outlined in list.
Optimized : Reduce Javascript code in HTML page
Added : Link to forum page in about screen
Could you please check that files without extension ("c:/tatata/toto") are working properly ?
About revision management, this is how it work.
Imagine a model (A.skp) with component ("toto") saved on hard drive or wherever.
Imagine that each time you make a modification to the component, you want to keep history of the file, so you save it with a revision level (for example "rev...")
So in your folder, you may have files like :
- toto.skp
- toto rev 1.skp
- toto rev 2.skp
- toto rev3.skp
- toto rev4.skp
And when you open your model (A.skp), you want to upload the latest revision of "toto" component, so "toto rev4.skp".
Then, you just have to choose option "Use revision level system" and the plugin will upload only the last revision !
When saving (by right-cliking on the component in the list...not using save all components...sorry, I have to add this function too), it asks you if you want to create a new revision, ie "toto rev5.skp".
The text to define revision level can be choosen in options menus.
Pay attention to a following rules :
- spaces are important : if revision text is " rev" (with a space before), "totorev1.skp" is not the revision 1...
- revision level can be float number, but better to use rounded number (because "rev 1.3" will new newer than "rev 1.11", as 1.3>1.11)
- nothing after revision : "rev 1 (super)" won't works.
- on file, if you put letter instead of figure ("rev A") it may crash...