I haven't had that problem in the 4 years I've been using sketchyphysics, you sure you've got your wheels geom and ontick interval set up correctly?
RE: SketchyPhysics - New Grip System for Cars ! !
RE: SketchyPhysics - New Grip System for Cars ! !
Hehe not a bad idea, but you could just have put push([0,0,-1]) in the ontick field of the wheel, does exactly the same thing
(little extra note, if you want to have the vehicle turn on it's side/upside down and still have it work, then encase your steering block around the drive joint (either hinge or motor dependign on your preference) and they won't collapse)
Lifting objects in sketchyphysics
I noticed I can no longer use the shift key to lift objects in sketchyphysics a while ago, hwoever I didn't mention it since I thought it would be fixed by the next release. However 3.2 came and went and still no lifting, when will this be fixed?
RE: SketchyPhysics3.1
Well on the whole this is a very much improved release, K's advice for embedding sounds worked fine and I've also tried out the destroy function, very useful for so many things.
RE: SketchyPhysics3.1
How do we go about using the sound function? I tried using the playSound script but it didn't work.
Here's the file, please tell me what's wrong.
RE: Hobbnob's WIP Thread
Well I haven't really had anything major going on with SU recently, haven't really had the time tbh. Upside to this though, I've now got enough money to consider getting a new pc, so hopefully I'll be able to run SU a bit better then. Also atm I'm kinda lacking inspiration since my mind is so messed up from night shifts I can't really think straight, so any ideas for something to do would be appreciated
RE: MechWarrior
Well like you said yourself it's far from perfect. Think about how the real thing could work, then create the necessary components and put it all together.
RE: Something new.
I didn't understand a word of all that particle stuff, but it seems gone are the days when physicsguy made planes. . .
Anyways, any updates on sketchybehaviours yet chris?
RE: Sketchyphysics - having newbie problems
well the reason for certain objects nto obeying the laws of physics such as gravity is because they are simply too small. The rest is a collision problem. Sketchyphysics doesn't recognise individual faces as collidable objects, because that would cause a lot of lag.
RE: Help with code
Well $CurEvalGroup applies to whatever object the script is in basically.
RE: Hobbnob's WIP Thread
Fair enough, what have I missed out? I know theres a lack of detail on the front area and on the storage boxes, and the turret is mostly improv, but i'm not seeing anything major missing?
RE: Hobbnob's WIP Thread
Finished the first version of the scimitar, this one is in greens without bar armour:
RE: Hobbnob's WIP Thread
Liam, the real thing doesn't have panel lines, and it doesn't have raised lights either. The link you gave is to a warrior IFV, a different vehicle.
This is the one i'm making
RE: Hobbnob's WIP Thread
Well hearing both camokid's and golden's criticism I made the gun bigger and added smoke launchers, as well as a few other things.
The most notable addition is that of bar armour, used in Afghanistan to counter RPG threats.These renders were done in kerkythea, criticism is welcome
RE: Hobbnob's WIP Thread
New project today, chieftain wasnt' really going so well so i started work on a scimitar, and as I had the whole day free. . .
RE: Scifi Sketchup Modeling
wow, may i ask what it is you're working on? It's not every day that you hear that someone is working on a game for the 360. Also, what program are you using for it? I've heard of stuff like maya and 3dsmax, but haven't heard of anything able to get stuff across platforms
RE: You know you've had too much sketchup when. . .
When the 3d warehouse is your homepage
When you have a special button just for running sketchup