thanks for the input, i have removed it and reloaded it a couple of times it seamed to clash with onion dome which also did not work removing onion dome and reinstalling roof ----------- now works
thanks for the input, i have removed it and reloaded it a couple of times it seamed to clash with onion dome which also did not work removing onion dome and reinstalling roof ----------- now works
hipped does not seem to work in SU2015 is this correct for anyone else????
ok this is going to be viewed as a dumb question
how do you know if you have downloaded and installed SU8-M2
there is nothing on the website saying this is M2 and there is nothing in the version record to say M2
Is version 8.0.11752 what you are all raving on about, so far i cannot see anything new or different
have i got the right one?
it seems that the Farrari Architecture people are next to impossible to contact and tall to so i am attaching the file here.
it seems to be a little easer to use then soap bubble and skin
not sure if anyone else has found this one
it is a plugin for tensile and menbrane structures, and can be downloaded form this site after you go through the mundain task of regersering and waiting for you password to be confirmed
it does have a good tutoral for each of the tools and some examples to work with
still to early for a review but it is not bad so far
i have been trying out your instant road plugin prior to buying but seem to be haveing trouble obtaining the same results as the demo ( both in su 7.1 and 8 ) your comments please
attached file shows the result
yes i seem to have a problem see image attached , with a single arc it works fine, with a double arc and weld plugin used i get a mess
regerds grim
i realise this was just a quickie ruby but it is a good one that i use
however i am haveing trouble in SU8 is there a problem and does it need updating