ok j'ai envoyé par PM
hello / salut,
Same problem Here, with sketchup 2018.
I noticed that if I disable vray it's slightly better. I tried on the very same geometry (a simple vase) in sketchup 2013 it takes 1 sec. in 2018 it's 10 secs with vray disabled, 2+mins with vray enabled
or, without any plugin, you can create the rectangle, group the upper face (select it from top left hand corner while beeing in parallel side view, just like srx's gif), select all then "instersect with selection", select all again and double click on the surface you want to keep holding shift and press delete. (you can then explode the group - optional)
not that long even if it seems so !
and beware, some of your small circles appear not to be at the same height than the others
we just bought 2 pro licences, it seems much slower on big files, is it just me ?
@chrisjk said:
SU 2018 appears to be available in Oz.
Dunno if this is spoof or real...
I tried to download free trial, it sends back to the 2017 version
Hope there will be other improvements, but section cuts fill would be great !
I'm sad, I had bet on last monday ! Can't wait for it either. Hope it will be next monday...
When SU takes longer than I expected,and when I did not save (especially for intersections), I open the autosaved version in a new window. I kept the autosave every 5 minutes in preferences, even if it's annoying while working on 100Mb+ files. This way I can work on my model while the first one is still working. (SU only uses one Core, so it shouldn't slow your PC even if it's working)
You'll then get an AutoSave_AutoSave_filename.skp and so on.
Just check the last autosave file's time or even open it in a new window like I do to check what you would lose in case you chose to force quit an hanging SU. Sometimes it's faster to lose 5 min work and find a workaround, SU beeing able to hang for hours !
Hello everyone,
I'm kind of new to vray and I find it great so far. I'm used to artlantis that allows rendering a material ID layer as well. But my problem is this : the material id rendered by vray is kind of blurry and it makes it really hard to work on it with photoshop, since every material ID has a huge color range on the sides. In artlantis every single pixel has the right color attached to a material.
Is there a way to have a clean material ID layer ?
Thank you
oh, great idea ! I dind't think of the scene tabs, it's a good workout !
Thanks a lot
Hi all,
I'd like to know if there is a feature (or plugin ?) to be able to turn ortho snapping on / off (just like the f8 key in autocad). When I work with models that aren't perfectly "squared" it is really annoying to have to zoom in a lot to be able to get the right snap. I know changing the axes would solve the problem for a time, but I don't want to have to change them every 5 minutes when only a few lines aren't parallel to red or green axe.
Any idea ?