I'd like to set up a shortcut to rotate materials 90d and another to reset. Can't find anything in the list of commands that seems right for those. Anyone here know what I should be using as base commands?
Shortcut to rotate material
RE: Why Can't I Sweep this Profile Around this Curve?
@tim danaher said:
@genma saotome said:
Every time the followme tool manages to go from the start all the way over to the far side of the arc...
genma, have you tried preselecting the curve before using the FollowMe tool? I find that gives more reliable results. But I've also noticed profiles twisting when using FollowMe, especially on long sweeps like spiral stair rails.
Yes, I do preselect the curve. Doesn't make any difference. The distortion seems to increase as the radius of the curve decreases. The distortion isn't large... a mm or two per degree of curve when the curve is very large (e.g., > 500m) but it becomes pretty obvious on tighter curves.
I'll try that follow me and keep script mentioned in another post.
Record the meaning of each menu selection and let me play it back when I need it, like a macro.
Things like Texture/Position/rotate/270 gets really, really tedious when you have to do it over and over and over again.
Even better -- come up with some keyboard codes to match your menu functions and let me setup that macro in one of my keyboard function keys ... pop! a one press solution to a tedious issue.
RE: Why Can't I Sweep this Profile Around this Curve?
It doesn't deal with large ones either. I'm doing the same sort of thing, tho my curve is only 20 degrees, not 90, and my radius is much larger -- 250m to as large as 1500m. Every time the followme tool manages to go from the start all the way over to the far side of the arc,both ends are no longer parallel to any ray from the center point of the arc. The points closest to the center point of the arc are always pushed farther along the path than they should and the points furthest from the center point shrink towards each other. It's never very much, but it's also never correct. I always have to extend and trim both ends to get it right.
RE: Rotating textures on radial surfaces
Been too busy to get back and close this....
I was able to get the copy / rotate to do what was needed. I grouped a handful of faces that had the texture properly positioned, did paste in place, and then positioned the rotate "wheel" on the center point of the arc and typed in the degrees I wanted. That worked pretty well. I did notice a couple of times there were very tiny mis-alignments... not sure if I got lazy and relied on the inference engine instead of typing a value or if the polys were mis-aligned to begin with. At any rate, I'm cruzin now!
Thanks very much for the suggestion.
RE: Rotating textures on radial surfaces
Good suggestions, but...
Radial copy was not able to produce the same radius of the arc. I tried several times, thinking perhaps I had done it incorrectly but the results were still off.
TTUVToolkit was interesting but it changed the size of the texture as it did the rotation. That's not ok. If it could just leave the size alone I think this plug-in would serve my needs well enough as it appears to be able to do multiple faces at once.
Rotating textures on radial surfaces
I have a number of faces where I have to rotate a non-tiling texture and all of the faces are created on a radial arc. Looks like this:
These arcs are ~350m long and each as 40 faces. There are two more similar arcs not displayed, making this one task an ordeal of individually rotating a texture 160 times. FWIW I have to manually position each one as well.
The texture sampling method doesn't work because it uses an absolute rotation per the sampled texture rather than a relative rotation oriented to following the arc.
Has anyone any suggestion as to how I can do this more quickly than:
while count < 161
move cursor to pencil icon
left mouse click
move pencil to next end point
left mouse click
drag line to opposite edge
left mouse click
move cursor to selection icon
left mouse click
move cursor to next un-rotated texture
right mouse click
move cursor to texture and on to position
right mouse click
move cursor to rotate and on to 90
right mouse click
end whileBecause after I finish this one I have a couple dozen more that are pretty much just like this one.
RE: Looking ahead to SU 8.
Thanks for the suggestion Remus but it wasn't adequate for the situation I have.
Thinking a bit further, I'll restate my need: As endpoints are only a slight thickening of the edge line their visibility decreases substantially in proportion to the length of the line. Right now I'm looking for "inner" endpoints on a 300m arc... they're veryhard to see. I would like to see something in SU 8 that allows the user to make endpoints more visible in these situations, optimally by letting the user select a color that's different from the edge line so they stand out.
RE: Looking ahead to SU 8.
Let me assign a color to my endpoints and edges, globally as a default and individually by object. It's just an attribute for display afterall. And if there isn't time to do both, for goodness sake, do endpoints. Can't see the darn things when ever the texture is also dark and patterned.
RE: [Plugin] UV Toolkit
I know I'm coming in quite late on this thread but if I may comment anyway... just having some rather basic adjustments to the texture position on multiple selections would be a real time saver for me. There are many situations where I find I must first snap the red pin to a corner before I do a rotate and when I'm in that situation it almost always involves repeating the task. For example, take a model of a street intersection and the task at hand is to texture the gutter. The texture shows some moisture that should be closest to the curb. For every face, from the straight street thru all four curves of the intersection, each face in the gutter has to have the edge of the texture that's "moist" moved up against the curb. Same for the curb, the texture has to have the "moist" pixels down next to the gutter. That's a red-pin snap-to-corner for every face and a rotate for many.
So for me, doing a select some faces and do a snap-red-pin-to-lower left vertex, and a select some faces and do a rotate-texture-90d to would turn an ordeal into a 10 second event.
I find I often have the same sorts of problems texturing and set of radial oriented faces -- you need to get the red pin moved to a corner vertex before rotating to align the texture on the axis of the edges originating at the center point.
From such a basic beginning perhaps there might spring a more sophisticated tool but wanting the perfect shouldn't prevent the creation of the good-enough-for-now.
Version 6
Does anyone know where I can obtain the executable that installs the last release of version 6? I'm going to be building a new computer this winter and I need to continue to use the older version.
RE: Odd problem moving stuff
A bit more information: The specific problem I mentioned occurs when trying to move a particular group around, not a component. When I make a copy of that group, the copy does notmove correctly. But when I edit or explode the group I am able to move the contained components normally. New groups are ok.
Which makes me think there is some attribute of this particular group that causes this. Any ideas of what that might be?
Odd problem moving stuff
I have one model with a perplexing behavior: it won't move anything along the red axis. I can move items properly on the blue or green axis but when I want to move something on the red axis they move at an odd angle... sort of like the red axis is tilted up and rotated right about 60 degrees. When I look a the model, or at components I'm trying to move, the axis looks perfectly normal. Using the arrow keys to lock in an axis does not resolve the problem.
I'm at a loss to fix this. No doubt it's something simple and I'm just overlooking the obvious... but I'm at a loss.
Any suggestions?
RE: Looking ahead to SU 8.
- Global option to toggle on/off the line-break-at-crossings feature that was implemented in version 7.0; I'm still using version 6 because I've got too many older models that rely upon the non-break "feature" of version 6(and earlier).
- Much improved UVW features. My models are exported for use in PC games and in that environment performance is highly influenced by the number of individual texture files (fewer being far better). It's really hard to use non-tiling textures in SU right now.
Help: Plug in bug
I'm not a programmer and I need some help fixing a ruby plug-in. The author wrote it largely as an educational exercise (it seemed to work as he now has a job with a cad company) and he is no longer available to deal with this problem. It's a simple export to game format plug-in with one flaw: it doesn't export the correct position of a manually moved texture when the poly displaying that texture is in a component. If the poly is not in a component, any adjustment to the textures position exports properly.
I'd would be very grateful if someone here was willing to take a look at the code and see if the problem jumps out / is easilly corrected.
WRT copyright: Any suggested fix will be returned to the author (on the chance he wants it). I'll edit my own copy for my own use.
###====================================================== # Copyright © 2006-2008. All rights reserved. # version 1.0 24th June 2006. # version 1.3 29/2/2008 - adjusted for polymaster ###====================================================== # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS" AND WITHOUT ANY EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, WITHOUT LIMITATION, THE IMPLIED # WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. #----------------------------------------------------------------------------- require "3dmath.rb" ##################################################### # Single class instance class SFile attr_accessor ;name, ;fileName, ;newFolder, ;fh , ;specular, ;message # scan the model groups for geometry def scanModel1(startEnt,parentSeg,dlevel,trans,lay) showFaces=true # if component instance, set grp to be the definition grp=startEnt if(grp.kind_of? Sketchup;;ComponentInstance) then # matrix id id=parentSeg trans=Geom;;Transformation.new() if not trans trans = trans * grp.transformation # get component definition grp = grp.definition else # grp could be a group or a model # # @lastMatrixid is nil for first LOD, 0+ for later passes if @lastMatrixid then id=@lastMatrixid oMatrix=@matrices[id] @lastMatrixid+=1 else oMatrix=Matrix.new() oMatrix.polys=0 if(grp.kind_of? Sketchup;;Model) then oMatrix.name = "main" else oMatrix.name=grp.name.tr(" ","_") end oMatrix.name="default" if oMatrix.name.length==0 oMatrix.name = "x" + oMatrix.name if oMatrix.name =~ /^\d/ if parentSeg>=0 then # get the transform matrix oMatrix.setFromSU startEnt.transformation.to_a end # count faces id=@matrices.length @matrices.push oMatrix end # if group lod if id>0 then showFaces=(dlevel==0 or grp.lod==0 or grp.lod >= lay) end @distance_levels[dlevel].hierarchy.push parentSeg end # scan faces if showFaces then for ent in grp.entities if(ent.kind_of? Sketchup;;Face) then if dlevel==0 or ent.lod==0 or ent.lod >= lay then scanVerts ent,id,startEnt,dlevel,trans end end end end # recursive call to sub groups for ent in grp.entities # scan sub groups if(ent.kind_of? Sketchup;;Group) scanModel1 ent, id,dlevel,trans,lay # don't show instances if group is disabled elsif( ent.kind_of? Sketchup;;ComponentInstance and showFaces ) # ignore component if it'd LOD is not visible if dlevel==0 or ent.lod==0 or ent.lod >= lay then scanModel1 ent, id,dlevel,trans,lay end elsif( ent.kind_of? Sketchup;;ComponentDefinition ) scanModel1 ent, id,dlevel,trans,lay end end end # save the vertices for a face def scanVerts(o,id,ent,dlevel,trans) # o is a face # ent - original entity mf=o.material mb=o.back_material scaleu,scalev,shade1,shade2=nil,nil,nil,nil polys=0 # get the instance material if definition material is nil if not mf mf=ent.material if ent.kind_of? Sketchup;;ComponentInstance if mf and mf.texture then scaleu=mf.texture.width.inch scalev=mf.texture.height.inch end end mat,matb=nil,nil uvhelp=o.get_UVHelper(true, true, @tw) subobj1=@distance_levels[dlevel].sub_objects.at(0) subobj2=subobj1 mesh = o.mesh 7 p1,p2,p3 = 0 pr2,fNormal2,shade2,pstat2,vst2,lmc2,vset2,nx2=nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil pr1,fNormal1,shade1,pstat1,vst1,lmc1,vset1,nx1=nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil,nil if mf or not mb fNormal1=findItem(o.normal,@normals) # use front face material mat = findTexture(mf) shade1=findShader(mf) lmc1=findLightCnf(shade1) vst1=findVState(mf,id,lmc1) # calc prim_state ps=SPState.new() ps.shader=shade1 ps.lightCfg=lmc1 ps.vState=vst1 ps.tex_idxs.push mat if mat # gloss if @light_model_cfgs.at(lmc1)==2 then img=@images.index("env_map.ace") # compare image properties ps.tex_idxs.push @textures.index(img) end # no material alpha is for solid/transparent # alpha of 99% is for alpha but no sub-object # 98% and lower will create a sub-object for alpha sorting if mf # set alphatest to 1 for transparent, 0 for solid or alpha if mf.texture stex = mf.texture.filename.upcase if stex.index(".TGA") then ps.alphatestmode=1 end end if mf.alpha < 1.0 ps.alphatestmode=0 ps.priority=mf.alpha*100 if ps.priority<99 subobj1=setSubObj(dlevel) end end end pstat1=findItem(ps,@prim_states) findItem shade1,subobj1.shaders findItem lmc1,subobj1.lightcfgs vset=SVtxset.new(vst1) vset1=findItem(vset,subobj1.vtx_sets) node= SGeomnode.new(id) nx1=findItem node,subobj1.geometry_nodes findItem pstat1,subobj1.geometry_nodes[nx1].pStates pr1=getPrim(subobj1,vset1,pstat1) end if mb fNormal2=findItem(o.normal.reverse,@normals) matb=findTexture(mb) shade2=findShader(mb) lmc2=findLightCnf(shade2) vst2=findVState(mb,id,lmc2) # calc prim_state ps=SPState.new() ps.shader=shade2 ps.lightCfg=lmc2 ps.vState=vst2 ps.tex_idxs.push matb if matb if @light_model_cfgs.at(lmc2)==2 then img=@images.index("env_map.ace") # compare image properties ps.tex_idxs.push @textures.index(img) end # set alphatest to 1 for transparent, 0 for solid or alpha if mb.texture stex = mb.texture.filename.upcase if stex.index(".TGA") then ps.alphatestmode=1 end end if mb.alpha < 1.0 ps.alphatestmode=0 ps.priority=mb.alpha*100 if ps.priority<99 subobj2=setSubObj(dlevel) end end pstat2=findItem(ps,@prim_states) findItem shade2,subobj2.shaders findItem lmc2,subobj2.lightcfgs vset=SVtxset.new(vst2) vset2=findItem(vset,subobj2.vtx_sets) node= SGeomnode.new(id) nx2=findItem node,subobj2.geometry_nodes findItem pstat2,subobj2.geometry_nodes[nx2].pStates pr2=getPrim(subobj2,vset2,pstat2) end 1.upto(mesh.count_polygons) do |j| p3,p2,p1 = mesh.polygon_at(j) p1 = p1.abs pt1=mesh.point_at p1 p2 = p2.abs pt2=mesh.point_at p2 p3 = p3.abs pt3=mesh.point_at p3 if trans pt1.transform! trans pt2.transform! trans pt3.transform! trans end # make sure we have a triangle if not pt3.on_line? [pt1,pt2] if mf or not mb @bb.add pt1 @bb.add pt2 @bb.add pt3 if mat uv1=uvhelp.get_front_UVQ pt1 uv1.x/=scaleu if scaleu uv1.y/=scalev if scalev uv2=uvhelp.get_front_UVQ pt2 uv2.x/=scaleu if scaleu uv2.y/=scalev if scalev uv3=uvhelp.get_front_UVQ pt3 uv3.x/=scaleu if scaleu uv3.y/=scalev if scalev else uv1,uv2,uv3=nil,nil,nil end pn=mesh.normal_at(p1) pn.transform! trans if trans pr1.vert_idxs.push storeVertex(subobj1,pt1,pn,uv1,vset1) pn=mesh.normal_at(p2) pn.transform! trans if trans pr1.vert_idxs.push storeVertex(subobj1,pt2,pn,uv2,vset1) pn=mesh.normal_at(p3) pn.transform! trans if trans pr1.vert_idxs.push storeVertex(subobj1,pt3,pn,uv3,vset1) subobj1.faceNormals +=1 polys+=1 pr1.normal_idxs.push fNormal1 subobj1.geometry_nodes[nx1].count+=1 #print uv1.to_s + "\n" + uv2.to_s + "\n" + uv3.to_s + "\n" end if mb then if matb uv1=uvhelp.get_back_UVQ pt1 uv2=uvhelp.get_back_UVQ pt2 uv3=uvhelp.get_back_UVQ pt3 else uv1,uv2,uv3=nil,nil,nil end # adjust order if reflected odd number of times if trans if trans.to_a[0]*trans.to_a[5]*trans.to_a[10]<0 p3,p1=p1,p3 uv3,uv1=uv1,uv3 pt3,pt1=pt1,pt3 end end # reverse order pn=mesh.normal_at(p3).reverse pn.transform! trans if trans pr2.vert_idxs.push storeVertex(subobj2,pt3,pn,uv3,vset2) pn=mesh.normal_at(p2).reverse pn.transform! trans if trans pr2.vert_idxs.push storeVertex(subobj2,pt2,pn,uv2,vset2) pn=mesh.normal_at(p1).reverse pn.transform! trans if trans pr2.vert_idxs.push storeVertex(subobj2,pt1,pn,uv1,vset2) #print uv1.to_s + "\n" + uv2.to_s + "\n" + uv3.to_s + "\n" subobj2.faceNormals +=1 polys+=1 pr2.normal_idxs.push fNormal2 subobj2.geometry_nodes[nx2].count+=1 end end end @matrices[id].polys+=polys if dlevel==0 end def storeVertex(so,p,n,u,vset) ip=findItem(p,@points) ix=findItem(n,@normals) iu=findItem(u,@uv_points) vert=SVertex.new vert.pointIdx=ip vert.normalIdx=ix vert.vertex_uvs.push iu if u findItem(vert,so.vtx_sets[vset].vertices) end def setSubObj(dl) if @distance_levels[dl].sub_objects.length==1 then so=SSObject.new() @distance_levels[dl].sub_objects.push so so.flags="00000500" so.vol=0 return so else return @distance_levels[dl].sub_objects[1] end end def getPrim(so,vs,ps) prim=SPrimitive.new prim.primstate=ps x=so.vtx_sets[vs] # 2 primitive entries prind=findItem prim,x.primitives if prind==(x.primitives.length-1) then x.primitives.push SPrimitive.new() end prind+=1 pr=x.primitives[prind] while pr.normal_idxs.length>2700 and not pr.primstate do # at very end - add new one if prind==(x.primitives.length-1) then x.primitives.push SPrimitive.new() end prind+=1 pr=x.primitives[prind] end if pr.primstate then x.primitives[prind]=[SPrimitive.new(),pr] x.primitives.flatten! end return x.primitives[prind] end def findTexture(m) if m and m.texture img=findImage(m.texture) end if not(img) return nil end # compare image properties 0.upto(@textures.length-1) do |e| if @textures.at(e).img==img return e end end t=STex.new(img) n=m.name.upcase.index("/BIAS") t.mipbias=m.name[n+5..n+7].to_i if n @textures.push t return @textures.length-1 end # used for points, normals, UV points and other objects that support == def findItem(v,array) if not v return nil end return array.addSearch(v) end # find vstate from material def findVState(m,id,cnf) vs=SVState.new(id) vs.lightCfg=cnf stex="" if m if m.name.upcase.index("HISHINE") vs.lightMat=-6 @specular=true elsif m.name.upcase.index("LOSHINE") vs.lightMat=-7 @specular=true elsif m.name.upcase.index("AMBIENT") vs.lightMat=-9 elsif m.name.upcase.index("DARKSHADE") vs.lightMat=-12 elsif m.name.upcase.index("HALFBRIGHT") vs.lightMat=-11 end if m.texture then stex=m.texture.filename end end #'''''' color of material if m then if stex.length==0 col = m.color end else col = Sketchup.active_model.rendering_options["FaceFrontColor"] end # new colour and light material if col then if @colours.length==0 # add black & white findItem(Sketchup;;Color.new(0,0,0),@colours) findItem(Sketchup;;Color.new(255,255,255),@colours) end c1=findItem(col,@colours) lm=c1.to_s + " " + c1.to_s + " 1 0 0" vs.lightMat = findItem(lm,@light_materials) end return findItem(vs,@vtx_states) end # find shader from material def findShader(m) if m and m.texture stex = m.texture.filename.upcase s="Tex" s << "Diff" if not m.name.upcase.index("BRIGHT") if stex.index(".TGA") then s="BlendA" + s end if m.name.upcase.index("GLOSS") then s="GlossMap" img=@images.addSearch("env_map.ace") # compare image properties 0.upto(@textures.length-1) do |e| if @textures.at(e).img==img return @shader_names.addSearch(s) end end t=STex.new(img) t.mipbias=0 @textures.push t end else s="Diffuse" end return @shader_names.addSearch(s) end # given a shader index, find the light config def findLightCnf(s) cn=1 cn=2 if @shader_names.at(s)=="GlossMap" cn=3 if @shader_names.at(s).index("Bumpmap") cn=4 if @shader_names.at(s)=="Diffuse" return @light_model_cfgs.addSearch(cn) end # find image ID def findImage(t) i=t.filename.rindex("\\") i=-1 if not i s=t.filename[i+1..t.filename.rindex(".")].upcase << "ACE" return @images.addSearch(s) end #''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''''' # perform the actual file save def saveS() # unicode file @fh.write "\377\376" $\="\015\012" @fh.uprintln "SIMISA@@@@@@@@@@JINX0s1t______" @fh.uprintln "" @fh.uprintln "shape (" shape_header volumes shader_names texture_filter_names points uv_points normals sort_vectors colours matrices images textures light_materials light_model_cfgs vtx_states prim_states lod_controls animations if @anim_nodes.length>0 @fh.uprint ")" @fh.close end def shape_header @fh.uprintln "\tshape_header sketchup20 ( 00000000 00000000 )" end def vector(v) @fh.uprint "vector ( " @fh.uprint v.x.to_m.fix.to_s + " " @fh.uprint v.z.to_m.fix.to_s + " " @fh.uprint v.y.to_m.fix @fh.uprintln " )" end def normal(v) @fh.uprint "vector ( " @fh.uprint v.x.fix.to_s + " " @fh.uprint v.z.fix.to_s + " " @fh.uprint v.y.fix @fh.uprintln " )" end def vol_sphere(v,r) $\=nil @fh.uprint "\t\tvol_sphere ( \015\012\t\t\t" vector v $\="\015\012" @fh.uprintln " " + r.to_m.fix.to_s @fh.uprintln "\t\t)" end def volumes @fh.uprint "\tvolumes ( " @fh.uprintln @volumes vol_sphere @bb.center, @bb.diagonal/2.0 @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def named_shader(s) @fh.uprintln "\t\tnamed_shader ( " + s + " )" end def shader_names @fh.uprint "\tshader_names ( " @fh.uprintln @shader_names.length @shader_names.each { |s| named_shader s } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def texture_filter_names @fh.uprint "\ttexture_filter_names ( " @fh.uprintln 1 @fh.uprintln "\t\tnamed_filter_mode ( MipLinear )" @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def point(v) @fh.uprint "\t\tpoint ( " + v.x.to_m.fix.to_s + " " + v.z.to_m.fix.to_s + " " + v.y.to_m.fix.to_s @fh.uprintln " )" end def points @fh.uprint "\tpoints ( " @fh.uprintln @points.length @points.each { |e| point e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def uv_point(v) @fh.uprintln "\t\tuv_point ( " + v.x.fix.to_s + " " + (-v.y.fix).to_s + " )" end def uv_points @fh.uprint "\tuv_points ( " @fh.uprintln @uv_points.length @uv_points.each { |e| uv_point e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def normals @fh.uprint "\tnormals ( " @fh.uprintln @normals.length @normals.each { |e| @fh.uprint "\t\t"; normal e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def sort_vectors @fh.uprintln "\tsort_vectors ( 0 )" end def colour(v) @fh.uprintln "\t\tcolour ( " + (v.alpha/255.0).to_s + " " + (v.red/255.0).to_s + " " + (v.green/255.0).to_s + " " + (v.blue/255.0).to_s + " )" end def colours @fh.uprint "\tcolours ( " @fh.uprintln @colours.length @colours.each { |e| colour e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def matrix(v) @fh.uprint "\t\tmatrix " @fh.uprint v.name @fh.uprint " ( " @fh.uprint v.m[0].fix.to_s + " " + v.m[1].fix.to_s + " " + v.m[2].fix.to_s + " " @fh.uprint v.m[4].fix.to_s + " " + v.m[5].fix.to_s + " " + v.m[6].fix.to_s + " " @fh.uprint v.m[8].fix.to_s + " " + v.m[9].fix.to_s + " " + v.m[10].fix.to_s + " " @fh.uprintln v.m[12].to_m.fix.to_s + " " + v.m[13].to_m.fix.to_s + " " + v.m[14].to_m.fix.to_s + " )" @message << v.name + " " + v.polys.to_s + " Polygons " + (v.polys>2700 ? "<< Primitives split\n" ; "\n") end def matrices @message="Groups ;\n" @fh.uprint "\tmatrices ( " @fh.uprintln @matrices.length @matrices.each { |e| matrix e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def image(v) @fh.uprint "\t\timage ( " @fh.uprint v @fh.uprintln " )" end def images @fh.uprint "\timages ( " @fh.uprintln @images.length @images.each { |e| image e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def texture(v) @fh.uprint "\t\ttexture ( " @fh.uprint v.to_s @fh.uprintln " ff000000 )" end def textures @fh.uprint "\ttextures ( " @fh.uprintln @textures.length @textures.each { |e| texture e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def light_material(v) @fh.uprint "\t\tlight_material ( 00000000 " @fh.uprint v @fh.uprintln " )" end def light_materials @fh.uprint "\tlight_materials ( " @fh.uprintln @light_materials.length @light_materials.each { |e| light_material e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def light_model_cfg(v) case v when 1 # single stage @fh.uprintln "\t\tlight_model_cfg ( 00000000" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\tuv_ops ( 1" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\tuv_op_copy ( 1 0 )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t)" @fh.uprintln "\t\t)" when 2 # GlossMap @fh.uprintln "\t\tlight_model_cfg ( 00000000" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\tuv_ops ( 2" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\tuv_op_copy ( 1 0 )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\tuv_op_reflectmapfull ( 1 )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t)" @fh.uprintln "\t\t)" when 3 # 3 stage bump maps @fh.uprintln "\t\tlight_model_cfg ( 00000000" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\tuv_ops ( 3" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\tuv_op_copy ( 1 0 )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\tuv_op_copy ( 1 0 )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\tuv_op_reflectmapfull ( 1 )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t)" @fh.uprintln "\t\t)" when 4 # no texture or uv @fh.uprintln "\t\tlight_model_cfg ( 00000000" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\tuv_ops ( 0 )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t)" end end def light_model_cfgs @fh.uprint "\tlight_model_cfgs ( " @fh.uprintln @light_model_cfgs.length @light_model_cfgs.each { |e| light_model_cfg e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def vtx_state(v) @fh.uprint "\t\tvtx_state ( 00000000 " @fh.uprint v.to_s @fh.uprintln " 00000002 )" end def vtx_states @fh.uprint "\tvtx_states ( " @fh.uprintln @vtx_states.length @vtx_states.each { |e| vtx_state e } @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def prim_state(v) @fh.uprint "\t\tprim_state " + @matrices[@vtx_states[v.vState].matrix].name + "_Prim" + v.sequence.to_s + " ( 00000000 " @fh.uprint v.to_s @fh.uprintln " 1\n\t\t)" end def prim_states @fh.uprint "\tprim_states ( " @fh.uprintln @prim_states.length seq=0 # sort the states in order, and sort the sequence 100.downto(96) do |pri| @prim_states.each do |e| if e.priority==pri e.sequence=seq seq+=1 prim_state e end end end @prim_states.each do |e| if e.priority<97 prim_state e e.sequence=seq seq+=1 end end @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def geometry_node(v) @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgeometry_node ( 1 0 0 0 0" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tcullable_prims ( " + v.pStates.length.to_s + " " + v.count.to_s + " " + (v.count*3).to_s + " )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" end def vertex(v) v.uprint @fh end def vertex_set(v,cnt) @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvertex_set ( " + v.vtx_state.to_s + " " + cnt.to_s + " " + v.vertices.length.to_s + " )" end def primitive(v,cnt) v.offset=cnt if v.primstate then @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprim_state_idx ( " + @prim_states[v.primstate].sequence.to_s + " )" else v.uprint @fh end end def sub_object(v) @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\tsub_object ( " @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsub_object_header ( " + v.flags + " " + v.sortVector.to_s + " " + v.vol.to_s + " 000001d2 " + v.destFlag @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgeometry_info ( " + v.faceNormals.to_s + " " + v.vtx_sets.length.to_s + " 0 " + (v.faceNormals*3).to_s + " 0 0 " + (v.primitives/2).to_s + " 0 0 0" @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgeometry_nodes ( " @fh.uprintln v.geometry_nodes.length v.geometry_nodes.each { |e| geometry_node e } @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" # geometry_node_map ( 1 0 ) @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tgeometry_node_map ( " @fh.uprint @matrices.length 0.upto(@matrices.length-1) do |e| @fh.uprint " " ind=v.geometry_nodes.index(SGeomnode.new(e)) @fh.uprint ind ? ind ; -1 end @fh.uprintln " )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" # subobject_shaders ( 1 0 ) @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubobject_shaders ( " @fh.uprint v.shaders.length v.shaders.each { |e| @fh.uprint " "; @fh.uprint e } @fh.uprintln " )" # subobject_light_cfgs ( 1 0 ) 0 @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tsubobject_light_cfgs ( " @fh.uprint v.lightcfgs.length v.lightcfgs.each { |e| @fh.uprint " "; @fh.uprint e } @fh.uprintln " ) " + v.id.to_s @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvertices ( " @fh.uprintln v.vertices v.vtx_sets.each { |x| x.vertices.each { |e| vertex e } } @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvertex_sets ( " @lastv=0 @fh.uprintln v.vtx_sets.length count=0 v.vtx_sets.each { |e| vertex_set e,count ; count+=e.vertices.length } @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\tprimitives ( " @fh.uprintln v.primitives count=0 v.vtx_sets.each { |x| x.primitives.each { |e| primitive e,count} ; count+=x.vertices.length } @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" # end of sub_object @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t)" end def distance_level(v) @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\tdistance_level ( " @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\tdistance_level_header (" @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\tdlevel_selection ( " @fh.uprint v.distance @fh.uprintln " )" @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\thierarchy ( " @fh.uprint v.hierarchy.length v.hierarchy.each { |e| @fh.uprint " "; @fh.uprint e } @fh.uprintln " )" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t)" @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\tsub_objects ( " @fh.uprintln v.sub_objects.length v.sub_objects.each { |e| sub_object e } @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t)" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t)" end def lod_control @fh.uprintln "\t\tlod_control (" @fh.uprintln "\t\t\tdistance_levels_header ( 0 )" @fh.uprint "\t\t\tdistance_levels ( " @fh.uprintln @distance_levels.length @distance_levels.each { |e| distance_level e } @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t)" @fh.uprintln "\t\t)" end def lod_controls @fh.uprintln "\tlod_controls ( 1" lod_control @fh.uprintln "\t)" end def anim_node(v) @fh.uprint "\t\t\t\tanim_node " @fh.uprint v.name @fh.uprintln " (" # still to do @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t)" end def animations @fh.uprintln "\tanimations ( 1" @fh.uprintln "\t\tanimation ( " + @keys.to_s + " " + @fps.to_s @fh.uprint "\t\t\tanim_nodes ( " @fh.uprint @anim_nodes.length @anim_nodes.each { |e| anim_node e } @fh.uprintln "\t\t\t)" @fh.uprintln "\t\t)" @fh.uprintln "\t)" end # on creation of the TMXfile object def initialize(model,file) # set a few properties @model=model @name=model.title @fileName=file @shader_names=[] @points=[] @normals=[] @uv_points=[] @matrices=[] @colours=[] @images=[] @textures=[] @light_materials=[] @light_model_cfgs=[] @vtx_states=[] @prim_states=[] @distance_levels=[] @anim_nodes=[] @keys=8 @fps=30 @specular=false @fh = File.new(file,"wb") if @fh then @tw = Sketchup.create_texture_writer # get model bound box @bb=model.bounds @volumes=1 # add a single distance level @distance_levels.push SDLevel.new() # add first sub-object @distance_levels[0].sub_objects.push SSObject.new() l=@model.lods[0] @distance_levels[0].distance=l print "\nLOD #{l} 0" # scan the model geometry @lastMatrixid=nil scanModel1(model,-1,0,nil,l) # more layers? 1.upto(@model.lods.length-1) do |lay| @lastMatrixid=0 l=@model.lods[lay] # add a single distance level @distance_levels.push SDLevel.new() dl=@distance_levels.length-1 # add first sub-object @distance_levels[dl].sub_objects.push SSObject.new() # adjust previous DL @distance_levels[dl].distance=l print "\nLOD #{l} #{dl}" scanModel1(model,-1,dl,nil,l.to_i) end # sum up vertices and primitives @distance_levels.each do |dl| dl.sub_objects.each do |so| so.vtx_sets.each do |v| so.vertices+=v.vertices.length so.primitives+=v.primitives.length end if @specular if so.flags=="00000400" so.flags="00000000" else so.flags="00000100" end end end end end # model processing finished - time to save the S file end def saveSD() @fh = File.new(@fileName + "D","wb") # unicode file @fh.write "\377\376" $\="\015\012" @fh.uprintln "SIMISA@@@@@@@@@@JINX0s1t______" @fh.uprintln "" @fh.uprint "shape ( " s=@fileName i=s.rindex("\\") s=s[(i+1)..s.length] if i @fh.uprintln s @fh.uprintln " ESD_Detail_Level (0)" @fh.uprintln " ESD_Software_DLev (0)" @fh.uprintln " ESD_Alternative_Texture (0)" @fh.uprintln " ESD_Bounding_Box ( " + @bb.min.x.fix.to_m.to_s + " " + @bb.min.z.fix.to_m.to_s + " " + @bb.min.y.fix.to_m.to_s + " " + @bb.max.x.fix.to_m.to_s + " " + @bb.max.z.fix.to_m.to_s + " " + @bb.max.y.fix.to_m.to_s + " )" @fh.uprintln ")" @fh.close() end end #################################################################### # add unicode write to File class class File def uprint(s) # print unicode version of ascii s.to_s.each_byte { |c| write [c,0].pack("cc") } if s end def uprintln(s) uprint s uprint $\ if $\ end end #################################################################### # used by textures array class STex attr_accessor ;img,;filter,;mipbias def initialize(id) @mipbias = -3 @filter=0 @img=id end def to_s @img.to_s + " " + @filter.to_s + " " + @mipbias.to_s end end #################################################################### # used by vtx_states class SVState attr_accessor ;matrix,;lightMat,;lightCfg def initialize(id) @lightCfg=0 @lightMat=-5 @matrix=id end def ==(vs) return (@lightMat==vs.lightMat and @lightCfg == vs.lightCfg and @matrix==vs.matrix) end def to_s @matrix.to_s + " " + @lightMat.to_s + " " + @lightCfg.to_s end end #################################################################### # prim state class SPState attr_accessor ;shader, ;tex_idxs,;zBias,;vState,;alphatestmode,;lightCfg,;priority,;sequence def initialize @tex_idxs=[] @zBias=0 @priority=100 @alphatestmode=0 end def ==(o) if @tex_idxs.length>0 return false if @tex_idxs.length!=o.tex_idxs.length return false if @tex_idxs[0]!=o.tex_idxs[0] end return (@shader==o.shader and @vState==o.vState and @alphatestmode==o.alphatestmode and @lightCfg==o.lightCfg) end def to_s s=@shader.to_s + "\n\t\t\ttex_idxs ( " + @tex_idxs.length.to_s tex_idxs.each { |e| s << " " << e.to_s } s << " ) " + @zBias.to_s + " " + @vState.to_s + " " + @alphatestmode.to_s + " " + @lightCfg.to_s end end #################################################################### class SDLevel attr_accessor ;distance, ;hierarchy,;sub_objects def initialize @hierarchy=[] @distance=2000 @sub_objects=[] end end #################################################################### class SSObject attr_accessor ;vertices,;primitives,;vtx_sets,;sortVector,;vol,;destFlag,;flags,;faceNormals,;txLightCmds,;trilistIdxs,;trilists,;geometry_nodes,;lightcfgs,;shaders,;id def initialize @vertices=0 @primitives=0 @vtx_sets=[] @sortVector=-1 @vol=-1 @destFlag="000001c4" @flags="00000400" @geometry_nodes=[] @lightcfgs=[] @shaders=[] @id=0 @faceNormals=0 @txLightCmds=0 @trilistIdxs=0 @trilists=0 end end #################################################################### class SVertex attr_accessor ;pointIdx, ;normalIdx ,;colour1,;colour2, ;vertex_uvs def initialize @vertex_uvs=[] @colour1="ffffffff" @colour2="ff000000" end def ==(o) if @vertex_uvs.length>0 return false if @vertex_uvs.length!=o.vertex_uvs.length return false if @vertex_uvs[0]!=o.vertex_uvs[0] end return (@pointIdx==o.pointIdx and @normalIdx==o.normalIdx) end def uprint(fh) fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvertex ( 00000000 " + @pointIdx.to_s + " " + @normalIdx.to_s + " " + @colour1 + " " + @colour2 + "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t vertex_uvs ( " + @vertex_uvs.length.to_s @vertex_uvs.each { |e| fh.uprint " " + e.to_s } fh.uprintln " )\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" end end class SVtxset attr_accessor ;vtx_state, ;vertices, ;primitives def initialize(vs) @vtx_state=vs @vertices=[] @primitives=[] end def ==(o) return @vtx_state==o.vtx_state end end #################################################################### class SGeomnode attr_accessor ;pStates, ;count,;matrix def initialize(id) @pStates=[] @count=0 @matrix=id end def ==(o) return (@matrix == o.matrix) end end #################################################################### class SPrimitive attr_accessor ;vert_idxs, ;normal_idxs, ;primstate, ;offset def initialize @vert_idxs=[] @normal_idxs=[] end def ==(o) return @primstate==o.primstate end def uprint(fh) fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tindexed_trilist (" fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvertex_idxs ( " + @vert_idxs.length.to_s width=0 @vert_idxs.each do |e| fh.uprint " " + (e+@offset).to_s if width>1000 then fh.uprint "\015\012\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" width=0 else width+=e.to_s.length end end fh.uprintln " )" fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tnormal_idxs ( " + @normal_idxs.length.to_s width=0 @normal_idxs.each do |e| fh.uprint " " + e.to_s + " 3" if width>1000 then fh.uprint "\015\012\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" width=0 else width+=e.to_s.length end end fh.uprintln " )" fh.uprint "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tflags ( " + @normal_idxs.length.to_s width=0 @normal_idxs.each do |e| fh.uprint " 00000000" if width>1000 then fh.uprint "\015\012\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t" width=0 else width+=9 end end fh.uprintln " )" fh.uprintln "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t)" end end #################################################################### # extend 3dmath class matrix class Matrix # add name attribute attr_accessor ;name,;polys # copy array to matrix (from SU transromation.to_a def setFromSU(mIn) @m=mIn # swap 2nd/3rd rows and cols @m[2],@m[1]=@m[1],@m[2] @m[10],@m[5]=@m[5],@m[10] @m[14],@m[13]=@m[13],@m[14] @m[4],@m[8]=@m[8],@m[4] @m[6],@m[9]=@m[9],@m[6] @m[7],@m[11]=@m[11],@m[7] end end #################################################################### class Numeric # use 6 decimal places only def fix (self*1000000.0).to_i.to_f/1000000.0 end end #################################################################### # return index, but add if not found in array class Array def addSearch(s) e=index(s) if e then return e else push s return length-1 end end end
OGL Blackout
I'm using SU 6.4.112 and on occasion it has a video problem w/ my nVidia drivers (178.24) as follows: Cursor can move but whatever function it is suppose to perform fails. When I click the MS Windows frame for SU, the contents within the window turn completely black. The window will clear on it's own after a bit but sometimes I have to click twice. When the window returns and I try and perform a SU function again the behavior re-appears. This visual loss may continue for a few more function attempts and then everything is fine again for a while, until it all happens again. I have not observed any pattern of use that triggers this behavior.
Being curious, I fired up PROCMON.EXE and captured a series of calls when this event occurs. The screenshot from the relevant area is attached (I edited away the REGQUERYOPEN and CLOSE lines so it would fit on one page). The one line I seemed to have cut away that I should have kept was at the very end, a call to a nVidia debug entry in the registry.
I assume this is a problem I have, not Google, but that said it has occurred w/ multiple versions of the video drivers AND, most interesting, it does notalways occur when I use SU... it fact, in the vast majority of times using SU everything is fine. So I would appreciate some feedback on how to fix this.
Oh, I do use nHancer so if necessary I can create a custom profile for SU.
RE: Sketchup for Game Skinning
I use SU exclusively for game development (I make a lot of static architecture models). All of my skins are done outside of SU and imported as materials.
Wanted: Rotate Texture 90d Icon
I not a programmer... I find myself rotating a selected texture 90 degrees all the time and the default GUI menu is pretty inefficient: select the texture and then menu Texture/Position/Rotate/90/Done. Does anyone know where I might find those functions programmed as icon? You know, select the texture, click the icon, and it's done. 7 mouse clicks reduced to 1.
Ummm, and if it's not already written and is dirt simple to write, might someone write the code? I think it's one of those little things many people would like.
Poly tearing
I'm having a graphics problem w/ SU where, depending on the function I'm trying to perform, get a lot of tearing across the displayed image. It didn't used to be like this... and all of my SU are so effected.
It's supposed to look like this:
But when selecting the measuring tape, it looks like this:
On occasion I also see SU abort w/ a C++ error -- no bug splat.
I suspect this is a video driver problem, perhaps something left over froman earlier rev, but after making several updates, all I see are fewer functions are so effected, not a solution.
I'm using a nVidia 8800 GPU and 175.4 drivers.
Has any seen similar problems? What did you do to ix it?
RE: Finding untextured polys
Well that works a bit too well as it adds the texture to the reverse side of any face in a group or component. I only need to texture the surface normals -- the beige face. The reverse side (blue face) should be left untextured.
Any other ideas?
As for usage, a lot of people who create their own add-on's for games are using SU for creation of scenery objects, buildings mostly, but most any static item fits the bill. For me, that's objects going into Microsoft's Train Simulator. It's an easy to learn 3d cad package ideally suited to such elements but of course once you go there it brings into consideration issues of minimizing the number of verticies, wanting to have LOD's, better animations, and as I indicated, a need to ensure no surface normals are untextured. It's obvious this usage and these topics were not anticipated by the original designers as all of them are pretty much ignored in SU.
p.s. I'm working on a building model right now... it has 90,000 square feet of floor space. I just tracked down an untexted poly that was 0.667 square inches in size. That's the sort of difficultly I'm describing.