@kaas said:
@roidsan said:
"SketchUp Make isn't getting any younger. We've stopped updating SketchUp Make"
I think this should read "You're running a 2015 version of SketchUp and we want to move you over to something that you will have to pay for."
Its a valid remark if you're making money using Make. For hobbyists, who are happy with the 2015 technology, its pestering.
So apparently old Make(s) got an update to display this new splash screen without you knowing it?
IIRC I started w/ SU "Make" with SU 6. I use 16 now (there were some issues w/ my plug-ins with SU 17.
Very happy it was a free program all of those years.
Now... should I but Pro? Nope. It doesn't give me anything I value. Should I buy it on the expectation it will eventually provide what I want? Very doubtful. Being able to add color to lines hasn't been added since SU 6. Being able to select faces w/o materials hasn't been added either. Being able to manipulate textures in the same way you move lines or faces, nothing there either.
Sure, most of this time it has been in Google's hands but as best I can tell Trimble is doing even less with the code. So when I see the splash screen about Make isn't getting any younger what pops into my mind is what has changed in this product at any time I can now recall that would persuade me to pay big bucks for it? Not a thing. OTOH if they had asked for $60-$100 for each new version I might have forked that over a couple of times to upgrade the installer (that's what usually goes south when the OS changes). 2X-3X that for a subscription? No thanks. Doesn't do anything I need and hasn't added anything I wanted.