Are your bugsplats successfully sent to the SU team, and do you add a description of how the problem occurred? That's more useful info than a few lines in a forum. If so, you're lucky you got bugsplatted.
RE: Save, export JPG, crash
RE: Installed new graphics card - display problem
Have you installed the latest version of QuickTime? A problem they had with the ensharpen codec the SU team uses in its videos has been fixed - although that was an audio problem.
RE: Test of a Pixero-inspired gradient sky effect...
You already have done a lot to present this built-in capability of SU. Many kudos here. Like fog eventually became its own browser in SU, this horizon stuff should be an added option to SU style browser.
RE: We need a new Smoove Tool
While you're starting to Smoove some geometry, press Shift. Smoove will now work normal to the faces.
If you're working on a low-poly model where every edge counts, use Scale. You get full 3D control of every edge that way.
And there are several move scripts that will nudge around selected bits of geometry. 2 use the keyboard arrow keys. One uses a wizard.
RE: Extrude lines along path
It works on a curve(s) - they can even be distinct, separate entities. Select curve(s) > select script tool.
It explodes polylines though so edges are not soft.
RE: Smart scaling components
That attribute is called parametric and SU does have it. It was introduced with Ruby scripting ability. A sample script called windows.rb was written, and you can see it also requires parametric.rb too over
I found a little math error on lines 186 and 191. It's missing '- 1.25'.
if bHorizontal wh = (width - 1.25 - (2.0 * outsideFrameWidth)) / 2.0 ### added - 1.25 w = wh + + insideFrameWidth h = height - (2.0 * outsideFrameWidth) else w = width - (2.0 * outsideFrameWidth) wh = (height - 1.25 - (2.0 * outsideFrameWidth)) / 2.0 ### added - 1.25
At the Ruby Library Depot there's parametric_grid.rb which is editable - and a very nice script if you need that sort of thing.
Actually the request would be to make setting up a parametric feature easier. TBD was working on a SU web macro editor for lay-people a while back. Users did not need to know Ruby.
RE: Old forum is now closed
It's back....
Though yes it was a bit odd that there was no announcement of the weekend closeure.
Report this post
RE: Old forum is now closed
Juan, are you offering to treat your forum mates to Mahou
Para me, está bien. Salud
RE: Prostate Cancer Update..
A few weeks ago I picked up this cast iron teapot to help keep my tea warm. It makes about 3 mugs. It looks and pours nice, and it's one of the cheaper ones around.
RE: Prostate Cancer Update..
How's the forced diet thing going? That's a lot of weight to drop in a short time.
Another benefit to drinking green tea is that it gives you something to touch and prepare instead of working with food when feeling like munching. Whether hot or cold, a good brand of green tea has a round, full taste that makes the mouth feel like it's ingesting something consumable. And the tummy feels like it's being filled. And all that anti-oxidant stuff is thrown in for good measure.
I've been drinking green tea only for several years now. Now I'm going look for some white tea when I go shopping tomorrow.
RE: Custom Wallpaper Website
More neat wallpaper
RE: Mover does not go
Nudge was the first script that used the arrow keys to nudge all sorts of stuff
The Move Wizard in RpTools/Space Design also moves everything but works in PCs only.
RE: Screw thread
Also search 'screw threads' for more results. At least for the time being, Google groups is sensitive to the plurality of words.
RE: Shear object?
CPhillips was playing around with somethng similar but SketchyPhysics is a bit distracting. It's good to see this sort of tool revived.
RE: Dell 5 button mouse
Good to know. The developer had that claim on his webpage. Sounds like he needs an update. Another uberOptions returns the scroll setting of 1, 2, 3, 6 lines, or something like that. SetPoint left that out. And he added a few additional little things for many other mice and keyboards.
If anyone adds uberOptions, you will have to reset all custom settings. I knew about this plugin before I got the mouse so there was no big annoyance. When installing, you get the option to save your original SetPoint settings. But they definitely are not carried over after adding the plugin.
RE: Dell 5 button mouse
You can assign keyboard stroke shortcut functions to the left and right scroll by program. So there's a total of four assignable functions to the wheel. It's a very nice mouse. I love the adjustability of the scroll wheel. The scroll defaults as Zoom and the little button below the wheel defaults as Orbit. With the SetPoint plugin called uberOption, the thumb wheel can be given three functions. The last know address as of yesterday was But it was not working this evening.
RE: Couple of Oddities?
Get another mouse for your laptop. One laptop friendly mouse is the Logitech VX Nano cordless laser mouse,en.
On the downside, it needs batteries and forward/back buttons work with the index finger instead of the thumb. On the plus side is the stubby USB dongle, small size, and the Set Point software to control its features. You can assign SU keyboard shortcuts to its programmable buttons. The software even has a plugin for more control options. I have the MX Revolution pictured in the uberOptions page. It's larger than the Nano and has rechargeable batteries. Sales and rebates can knock down the price 20-30 USD on both.
RE: Help with Soap Skin Bubble
That download problem may be a regional issue. It worked fine for me.
RE: How is this possible? Please help.
I tried locating the problematic file I remembered without luck.
The poster gave us a small sample model, a box with some pushed in shapes on the side (triangle, polygon, circle). The original model actually was a tiny part of a large, sprawling building development. His sample was only an illustration of his dilemma with other stuff.
Sure enough, if someone duplicated the simple push/pull operations alongside his sample model, sometimes the sides would not come out square.
Sketchy, if this is an ongoing problem in your original file, Google SU may be interested in it if this is not already a logged problem.