További Kellemes Ünnepeket kívánok minden fórumozónak!
ui: Csak azt tudnám, hogy egy su rajzot, hogy lehet kivágni papírból, hogy a fa alá tudjam tuszkolni. A monitort ugyanis nem sikerült.
Yeah, I also made it with Gimp (I guess I could/should have played more with making the transparent borders nicer but in such a small image they cannot be seen anyway)
Good luck with the City of Culture thing. Liverpool held the title in 2008 and the result was a huge programme of modernisation and restoration. The new city centre is now unrecognisably improved from what it was only a couple of years ago.
[image: LiverpoolCranes.jpg]
@ebelg2000 said:
Looks like it doesn't work for me either.
There are many new technologies in Leopard that just aren't present in Tiger. Why don't you just upgrade to Leopard? I'm sure you can now pick up a (now old) 10.5 system disc for next to nothing. I know it's a drag, but it's like getting developers to still support OS9 or even worse ME or NT2000!
Lassan ránk dől a bőség szaruja, lassan már magam sem fogom tudni, mit mivel "színezgessek". Viszont a több még mindig jobb, mint a semmi.
Köszönöm a fafaragók nevében (is)...
Great to see you again, Ross...!
@ross macintosh said:
You're right I haven't been hanging around these forums for a while. I've been busy with work - a good thing I suppose given the economy.
Most definitely...
I know mavie he's hard to resist. With that white smile, and those innocent blue eyes I think he either has a pet dolphin named flipper, or is the posterboy to lure kids to join a radical youth group.
(by the way... hi)