Hi, I am a Maxwell user, as well as Modo and SU and Vectorworks,
Since the current plugin for v2 is not really good yet I started to work with Studio exclusively to render my SU work.
As a result my work has become better looking and I have saved a lot of time as well. I render now 300Mb+ models all made in parts in SU and rendered from Studio to Maxwell.
In Studio big models are rather smooth but in Sketchup they are unworkable. I am beginning to see that Maxwell/Studio is one of the few options one has to render very large combined SU models.
Here are the advantages to render with a renderapp. that has its own standalone modeling/rendering window.
- models can be made in small SU-parts and rendered assembled in the renderapp.
- materialising is fast and easy as compared to the slow material panel in SU.
- previews can be made quick without the need to export lots of geometry for each preview.
Am I right to see that when choosing a render application you need to look into how you handle big models with trees, cars, furniture lighting etc. If you have to keep it all in one SU file your presentations will be rather limited.